Yuletide Festives

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A/N: Hey guys & gals, I'm back and want to give a handclap to LizBeCareful & alatexeverglades for making this chapter probably. Merry Christmas and Winter Solstice!

The cyclone of snow circled above the wooden sleigh, cold and savage. One by one, elves and toys returned shivering and exhausted, not able to find the lost girl. Stekkjarstaur clutched his coat tightly as the wind blew upon his back following behind was his troop unassembled to light up more torches to keep the others warm.

But he knew it wouldn't be enough. Not for this.

He caught Der Klown slithering to his side as they approached the sleigh, where their master awaits. They felt the rage fuming from him and his sharp talons clawing out the remaining paint of the sleigh as if they were on their skin. The blood-red eyes speared through their souls when eye contact was made. Stekk managed to swallow his tension and bowed his head which made Klown follow his lead. "We have searched the entire area of the neighborhood and the woods," "W-We've checked on-once, t-twice, even thrice," Klown stuttered, "But still our search has remained fruitless."

After hearing this response, Krampus released a vicious growl deep within his chest; his hand scratched harshly on the sleigh leaving only claw marks. "All these years of hunting lost children and damned souls," he whispered to the two commanders clenching his hand into a fist causing a few of his knuckles to crack. "All those years and you fail to locate the whereabouts of MY QUEEN?!" The spirit roared in rage, his eyes glowed like embers of lava from a volcano, and lightning flashed upon the gray cyclone as he towered over the elf and toy. Klown clutched his hat pulling it down to hide his face from the terror in front of him while Stekkjarstaur stood there frozen beholding this living nightmare.

The other elves and toys either hid inside the sack on the sleigh or within the soft, raggy wool of the Yule Goats, who coward and whimpered like dogs. For the first time, they were truly afraid of their master, witnessing his wrath once thought to be a legend. She used both the highest point of the sleigh and her wide amber eyes to search for the last scouting troop to arrive while cradling Baby Chrissy who stirred in her white, fur blanket. Gluggagægir knew for a fact that the group would be the first ones to arrive due to Ketkrókur's bloodhound nose. 'They should've been back by now.'

"They haven't returned yet." Her bold statement caught the attention of every soul until all eyes were on her. She dismissed the others as she made eye contact with the Christmas Devil. It took all of her to strengthen not to show or feel fear for the sake of herself and the baby in her arms. "The group that Ketkrókur volunteered to lead, sir. For the search." The fire in Krampus' eyes began to dull for a moment until the death of the cyclone left snowfall but the sky was still gray and the lightning still stoked. Noticing this, Stekk's confidence began to renew, granting him the right words to support his sister's statement.

"Aye it true, every Yule Lad here knows that Ketkrókur is never last and when he does, betcha that nose of his is hunting 'em like a dog. He'll find Ms. Eira in no time." The yuletide spirit hummed in thought but was not fully convinced. Yes, the elf was the best tracker but he tends to be rebellious and not to mention reckless over the centuries. Causing Krampus to doubt the dark elf's capacity to locate the maiden. "Although Ketk may be an idiot and does questionable actions-" Stekk hesitated. "But he won't do something that stupid." Glug said with confidence. Before the conversation could progress, a pair of children's screams and struggles were heard, resulting in the attention ahead to find the rest of the scouts returning with the two children, Max and Stevie, in their grasp.

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