Harsh truth

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Ethan and i quickly got back to the cafe with the hope that Sally would tell us something that could  help. It was already early in the morning, about like 6am and we were sitting on a long chair, Nobody was outside only birds were chipping and you could see lights in some windows. that quietness was perfect to me i will probably come out and walk around the streets while everyone is sleeping but of course after all of this misunderstanding is done. I looked over Ethan who seemed pretty tired, He was staring at something , something that i couldn't see. Ethan is pretty mysterious person you never know what or who he is thinking about , he looks like a person straight from victorian era or something, so classic, gentle, beautiful..but again mysterious, especially his looks: long black hair, small eyes with a killer look, smile that will make you loose yourself. Not to mention his body, to be honest if i were interested in men, Ethan would be the person i would gladly fall in love with..As the thoughts carried me away someone tapped on my shoulder.

Sally: hello..thanks for coming

Damiano: no no thank you for calling, i need your help and i think you know why..

Sally: definitely not for a gift for your wife

Ethan: what?

Damiano: oh haha your grandma and i was thinking how you found me

Sally: yeah she told me you were looking for me and actually i was looking for you too

Ethan: can you please tell us everything that you know about that night?

Sally: i have known Marzia for a long time, we were friends while i lived in Italy but then i came here in Rotterdam to work with my Grandma in this cafe, i always thought Marzia was a nice girl maybe she had an attitude but i didn't think she would be capable of something like this..

Ethan: what do you mean in "capable of something like this"

Sally: i have anxiety and sleep problems thats why i always carry some sleep pills with me, that night Marzia asked for them but i didn't give it to her because i had only two left and i needed them for myself, they are pretty strong..i had those pills in my purse, that night i went inside the bathroom so i asked her to hold my purse , i trusted her.. of course i didn't check for the pills that moment why would i

Damiano: oh god.

Sally: i knew there were Eurovision contest winners in the bar at that night but i have never watched it i didn't know who you guys were, i went inside the room to call my grandma to tel her i would get home late..in a few moments i saw the door open and Marzia walked in.

Damiano: but she wasn't alone, was she?..

Sally: no..she was with you Damiano..you were blacked out and not conscious, i asked Marzia who you were and she said "oh you don't know? thats Damiano, he and his band won the ESC" she seemed pretty drunk too and couldn't control herself.

Damiano: Sally please..remember what happened next.

Sally: i was drunk but not unconscious because i can't drink too much especially because of those pills, so i just sat there

Ethan: you just sat there?..the whole night?

Sally: yeah

Ethan: and you watched this two..well you know what.

Sally: huh?

Damiano: sally that night Marzia sent pictures to my girlfriend and said that we..we fucked.

Ethan: Damiano.

Damiano: what.

Sally: what?! she said that?!

Love battle // damiano and ethan Where stories live. Discover now