What a lie

847 26 38

Thomas: OH COME ON

Sally: what do we do now?!

Damiano: fuck fuck FUCK

——Writers thoughts——

You could see Damianos anger in his eyes and actions, poor guy finally he had some proof of him being innocent and to be honest a victim but Bella already left. Everybody stood there panicking, flight was in 20 well 15 minutes already but the airport is at least 35-40 minutes away, Damiano is not an anxious person, he always finds a way out logically without causing any scenes but what could he do now? Dear reader what do you think, was Bella right for not saying the last goodbye and leaving without a word or do you think you would do the same? whatever she did, the time was passing fast and Måneskin was still standing in a hotel lobby, with no idea what to do.

Ethan: we are loosing time standing here lets just drive to the airport and we will think of something

Damiano: you are right we- um we have to go, now.

They all ran outside to Damianos car which was a little bit bigger than Ethans unfortunately not big enough for all of them but who cared?

Thomas: wait there is no room left for me!

Vic: go with Ethans car , Ethan give him the keys

Ethan: but i left them in my room


Thomas: okay JESUS!


Thomas: stop complaining Victoria and move your ass

Damiano: is everybody here?

Thomas: yes yes go



Ethan: will you two ever SHUT UP NO ONE HERE IS A FUCKING COW

Damiano: dio help me deal with this bullshit

Vic: drive faster gosh!

Damiano: thomas

Thomas: yes?..

Damiano: hold tightly.

Thomas: wh-..OH MY GOSH


Sally: look a pigeon how cu- oh..

Thomas: no more cute pigeon i guess.

Vic: did we just commit a murder?

Damiano: not yet but i will definitely commit a murder if you two wont shut up!

Ethan: turn right and we are here ..mhm park here! okay here we go, you ready?

Damiano: i think so, sally you ready?

Sally: yes yes lets go we don't have any more time

—— Damianos pov ——

i ran inside, my eyes were looking for her and only her, hundreds of people were wondering around, crying of happiness, saddens anything you name it but i still couldn't see her but i knew more like i felt her closeness, she may not be in this room but she definitely hasn't left yet.

Damiano: Ethan can you see her anywhere?

Ethan: no i don't think so but we need to ask someone boarding has definitely started already

Sally: he is right lets ask this girl come on

"how can we help you today?" said a girl who worked there with a friendly smile.

Damiano: hello i need to know has boarding for a flight to Italy started yet?!

"let me check" she was searching something on here computer for a few minutes which felt like forever for me and if you looked at others it definitely felt like a century for them too, Ethan couldn't stop biting his nails, Thomas was tapping his head on Vic's shoulder while she was eating the skin from her lips from anxiety, Sally on the other hand was still looking around, hoping she would see Bella.

" the boarding has already ended sir" said that girl with a sad face which looked forced, but how can i blame her she probably goes through it everyday.

Ethan: mam we must get on that plane, is there any way we can do that? please we really need your help..

"i am so sorry but you are asking me to stop the plane..its unrealistic."

Damiano: thats it..i lost her.

Vic: no Damiano we will find her in Italy! i am sure she will listen to you and everything

Damiano: what a lie..

Vic: what a lie?

Damiano: what a lie

Vic: why do you think its a lie Damiano

Damiano: because she will be happy without me, she will forget all of this and finally be happy, she deserves it..this was probably a sign to stop trying and let her be, lets go guys just..lets go

Thomas: you know what? no! After all of this you are giving up on this? giving up on her?! stop being a little bitch Damiano and lets think logically

Ethan: i agree with Thomas

Vic: same..

Thomas: mam


Thomas: i get that the boarding has already ended but what about the plane tho? is it already in the air?

" no sir..the plane has not took off yet but whatever you have in mind, forget about that no one can get on that plane anymore except the pilot"

Vic: ugh shit

Thomas: wait..where can we see the pilot?!

" i don't know sir...wait..there he is..but i don't th-"


" what a weird guy.."

Damiano: Thomas wait i can't keep up with you!

Thomas: hi hi hello!

Pilot: hello?..i am sorry i have a flight

Thomas: you need to tell bella that Damiano got drugged and everything that Marzia said was a big lie, she made everything up , she lied to you we have sally here who can tell her the truth she was there and we have a proof on camera where you can see marzia putting sleeping pills in his drink! Damiano loves you bella with all his heart and is very sorry for everything, if he could change he would but it wasn't his fault..not at all.

Vic: yes and you must also tell her that we all love her very much and miss her please tell her that leaving us won't be a right answer..she must listen to us..to him.

Thomas: i literally hit Damiano twice for her! not going to lie i always wanted to do that..

Ethan: tell her that Ethan loves her and will always do thats why he wants her to be happy..even if its not me.

Damiano: i am Damiano..just tell her that i would gladly give my life to make her believe in me thats all that matters..even if she doesn't want to be with me anymore she must know that i never lied to her..never.

Sally: guys i don't think he was listening to us..

Pilot: i have a job to do, i am sorry guys i can't help you..hope bella? i think ..will know the truth but i can't stop the plane, i will loose my job.

Thomas: but..

Pilot: i am sorry, i must go.

The end..?

Love battle // damiano and ethan حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن