Chapter 20

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Home time:

As the bell rang Oliva walked out her History class. She walked down the up stairs, and down the corridor. Out the doors, to the school's main doors and out them, before anyone really got out. She wanted out quick to be honest, she hated walking with everyone as she walked home. She was happy in the morning, getting a lift but walking back home because her mom was still at work..was a bummer. She lived like 20 minutes away but still....

She stuck one earphone bud into her ear as The1975 started playing through it. She smiled as the sun was out, a cool breeze passing through her hair. "Olivia!" Someone shouted. She got caught off guard and turned. A bunch of people were walking out, but she spotted 4 dudes. They started walking towards her and just as they were a few feet away she turned forward and started walking again as they caught up with her. "Hello!" She greeted them. They split into two and walked with her down the path.

"Are you going home?" Michael asked her picking up her other earbud. "MmHmm, twenty minute walk in the fun" She smiled quinting up to him. "Do you want a lift home?" He asked as he started nodding to the song, Olivia turned to him. "Umm..." She started taking a breath. "Or if your not busy, you could come to mine...with these idiots!" Ashton laughed beside her. She could text her mom, her dad was working....and she had homework from one class. His house wasnt far from hers. She smiled turning to Ashton and nodded. "Sure, that'll be great" She told him. "Brill! lets go!" He chuckled as they all crossed the road to the parking lot where his car was.

They got to Ashton's car and Calum opened the front door, getting in. Olivia turned and looked at Luke opened the back door. "You first..." He smiled. "Oh, thank you" She smiled at him as she got in. Soon realizing she was in the middle. Lovely. Luke got in and closed the door behind him as Michael turned to her. "Hello!" He grinned. "Hi there" She nodded turning back to the front. Calum started playing around with the radio trying to get good songs on, as Ash adjusted his mirror and put on the A/C and rolling the windows down.

"Hey, so i'm thinking of changing my hair colour?" Michael pointed out. "What colour?" Calum asked still playing around with songs. "Not sure yet....thinking of that one...what do you think Liv?" He turned to her. "Uh...what colours have you had it before?" She shrugged. "Blonde, brown, this..." He pointed to his black hair with a blue fringe. "Ahh...well...i dont know, its your preference" She smiled. "Yeah, think long and hard..." He spoke then laughed. Rolling her eyes Olivia giggled too. As Ashton drove to his place they all had a big conversation. Weird to Olivia but it was getting a way.

Liv looked at her phone, texting her mom as something flew past her. She looked up as Luke groaned. "Ah, stop it!" Luke spoke throwing something back at Michael. "Dont hit me with that!" Michael moaned throwing it back. "Oi! calm down" Ashton sighed. "Tell him to stop throwing things at me!" Luke told him. "Dont be a girl" Michael sighed. "Shut up...." Luke turned away. Michael through something again making Luke turn. Liv sat in the middle, not knowing what to do. "Ha, look at Olivia!" Calum laughed. "What are you doing?" she turned to Michael.

"Nothing" He smiled before throwing it again. Luke groaned and he turned to face away from her and Michael completely. "Guys will you stop it! seriously!" Ashton sighed from the front. Liv lifted her hand and grabbed Michael's wrist before he could throw anything again. "Michael stop it" SHe told him. "It fine" He told her. "No its not, now stop it....grow up, please" She grabbed the sweet from his hand. He looked at her and nodded. "Fine, it was just banter" He sighed. "Its considered bullying in other peoples books, and it can get annoying" SHe informed him.

"Thanks Liv" Ashton smiled at her through the mirror. She nodded before turning to Luke. "You okay?" She nudged him. He turned and cleared his throat. "Yeah, cool" He told her before messing his hair and fixing it again. "I'm going for a haircut at the start of the week after next" Calum told the boys. "What a trim?" Michael asked him. "No, my mom said its time for me to get it all chopped...little scared" He chuckled. Looking at the boys Olivia laughed. "What?" Michael turned to her. "Nothing..." She shook her head. "What is it?" He demanded smiling. "Its just...i think in every boys life they all go through the....fringe phase" She told them. "Its the same back home" She nodded.

Ashton laughed slightly. "No offence, theres nothing wrong with it or you guys...but y'know" She shrugged. Just then the car slowed down and Ashton unbuckled his belt. "Well, we're here" He told them turning off the radio and A/C. Luke got out the car, and held the door open for Olivia. "Thank you" She smiled at him getting out. "Your welcome" He nodded returning the smile. "Can we like order pizza or something, im starving!" Michael whined. Ashton looked at him as they got to his door. "My little bro and sister will be home soon so i dont know" He shrugged. "Oh come on...we sit in your room anyway" Michael sighed walking in the front door.

"Yeah, but we have company...Olivia may not want to sit in a room with four guys eating pizza" He chuckled slightly. Olivia turned and half smiled. "I dont mind at all...seriously." She shrugged. "To used to girl company" Michael nudged her. "Not really...just because i only had a girl friend doesnt mean....oh yeah, it kinda does" She realized and laughed with Michael. "But seriously i still dont mind" She shrugged turning back to Ash. Ashton laughed and rolled his eyes walking into his kitchen. "I'll order a pizza for dinner, give some to Lauren and Harry too." He told them as he walked to the fridge.

"Sounds better than nothing" Michael sighed throwing his bag and blazer onto Ashton's sofa. The boys did the same before walking to the kitchen. They walked to the counter beside Ash. "Yeah, cool!" Olivia smiled sitting down on one of his stools at the counter. Ashton gave all a drink and smiled at Liv. "You can put your bag and that through there if you want" He told her. "Oh uh...are you sure? i dont want to make a mess" She bit her lip. "No seriously its fine" He chuckled. "Girls" Michael sighed jokingly before laughing. Olivia stood up and softly and slowly threw his head back with her hand. "Ooohhh!" The boys mocked and laughed.

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