Draco cleared his throat.

"Pass me the bottle."

"The nail polish or the alcohol?", she asked.

"Both. Potter give me your hand."

"I thought you didn't want to hold it anymore?"

Blaise completely lost it.

"Merlin Potter is an absolute riot! I'll be the first to say fuck house stereotypes. You can hang out with us anytime Potter."

"Thanks Zabini. You lot are fun."

"You don't know the half of it. This is only the beginning."

At this point in time, Watermelon Sugar was ending and Draco was fighting to hold back a smile as Harry was humming along.

"Alright it's time to remove the masks", Pansy directed.

Blaise paused the music and they all headed into the bathroom.

"This might hurt a bit Scarhead. You just grab from the edges and pull inwards."

Harry watched a bit before moving to remove his own mask. He winced as he felt it continuing to stick to his face.

"Merlin Slytherins are weird", he thought to himself.

Or, maybe Harry just wasn't taking as good care of himself as he should have been. Probably a combination of both he decided.

Once the mask was fully off, he had to dry his eyes.

"It's like ripping off a bandage."

Harry didn't know what kind of plasters Pansy was using, but she should probably get some new ones.

"Console your husband while Blaise and I raid your games. You take forever to do your own nails, I can't imagine how long it will take you to do yours and Potter's."

Blaise snickered as he followed Pansy out, knowing it was an excuse to give the two some alone time.

"How soon until we walk in on them snogging?", she asked.

"Sooner than we think", Blaise confirmed.

"Okay Potter, give me your hand now that I know it's clean."

"Normally when people propose they get down on one knee. You're awful at this, it's a good thing we're already married. Can you put the music back on? I like Adore You."

"If you insist."

"I dedicate this song to you."

Draco did not expect Harry to quietly serenade him with Harry Styles. He also didn't expect Harry's voice to sound so pleasant. Harry should not be making him have... feelings. How disgusting. He needed to focus on the task at hand. Literally.

As Cherry was coming to an end, Draco was applying the drying charm.


Harry grinned as he inspected his nails.

"I love Falling. It's so beautiful. It just makes me feel something. What if I'm someone I don't want around? A lyrical mood."

"I can play it on piano", Draco admitted.

"Really? You'll have to play for me sometime. I'd love to hear it."


"I look forward to it."

Draco just watched Harry be Harry, and his heart fluttered. He was fully prepared to punch himself in the chest to make it stop. His heart was not a golden snitch, it did not need another Seeker to claim it.

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