Logging In

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After work I got home and cooked dinner for the both of us, Mel walked in just as I finished cooking

"Oh, I tried to be home sooner so I could cook but the fucking traffic was ridiculous" 

"There was an accident on the highway, shit looked bad too" I shook my head 

"Well I guess that explains it. Hopefully everyone is okay" she shrugged her backpack off and dropped it on the floor before sitting down at the table "I'm so tired" 

"Same" I put our plates down and sat across from her 

"How was the big dick boss today?" I almost spit my food at her when she said that making me laugh my ass off 

"Shut up!" I managed to say through my laughter "it was an accident!" 

"Mhmm.. I know what pictures I have on my Google photos before I let anyone see them. He did it on purpose" 

"He did not!" I laughed again as my face flushed 

"Face it, Steve wanted you to see his dick. Why else would he just casually be like 'oh, here's my photos that are on my phone, just keep scrolling until you find the document' and then walk away?"

"Because I'm his assistant and it's my job" 

"Mmhmmm" she cheesed as I rolled my eyes and finished my food 

Mel has been trying to get me hooked up with my boss since I started there three years ago. I'm not interested, I've thought about maybe just going for a test drive, but, I'm his assistant and I can't afford to lose my job over sex. 

After my shower I laid in bed scrolling through Facebook and watching random compilations of BTS being absolute dorks, I love ARMY crackhead culture. Sometimes I laugh so hard I swear I'll piss myself. And looooordt the inappropriate thirst trap videos are A+, I could watch them for hours on top of all of the smutty fanfics I can find on Wattpad. Feels weird at twenty seven to be drooling over a bunch of younger men that I will never meet in my life but here I am. 

"Good morning boss" I smiled as I handed him his coffee 

"You're always happy in the morning. How the hell do you do it?"

"I get paid for it" I laughed "trust me, on the weekends, I'm not so chipper in the mornings" 

He chuckled and nodded his head "I thought you were a morning person" 

"Far from it" I smiled and sat down behind my desk 

"I'm sure your boyfriend isn't a morning person either" 

"If I had one, he'd better not be. I don't need anyone waking me up on my weekends, bad enough you wake me up Monday through Friday before the sun" 

"Should I change our business hours then?" He smirked 

"Works for me" I chuckled, making him smile as he walked into his office, I let out a sigh and slouched in my chair. I hate pretending to be a happy go lucky person. My customer service voice is sickeningly sweet, makes me wanna gag but Steve hired me because of it. 

I was sitting at my desk going through my emails and my phone was buzzing like someone was blowing up my phone so I finally caved 

Weverse 15 notifications

"Aw man. They always do this when I'm at work. The fuck, go to sleep" I pouted as I put my phone down, I looked at the clock and realized it's only eleven at night there and chuckled "guess they don't have to sleep then" I rolled my eyes with a smile as I went back to my emails 

"Miranda, did you get a hold of Gary?"
"I did boss, he said it works for him"
"Thanks, lunch?"
"Is on its way, your favorite spot"
"You're a lifesaver" 
"Your welcome boss man" I released the intercom and kept going about my business 

"Any plans for the weekend?" He asked as he locked up his office 

"Nope, just sleep, and the usual cleaning around the house" I smiled 

"Well, see you monday" 

"Enjoy the weekend" I smiled as I got into my car and drove home 

"Finally!" I flopped down on my bed with a few slices of pizza, some soda, some snacks, some gum, put my hair up in a messy bun while I sat in my pajama shorts and a tank top. I put my headset on and turned on my Xbox "worldwide server here I come" 

Jackattack "Randaaaa" 
"Sup Jack, did you try it yet?"
Jackattack "Yeah, added a few people already too, German, Korean, and Japanese. It's pretty cool. Lags a bit though" 
"I'm all for it. Add me in?"
Jackattack "Already sent" 
"You're awesome Jack" 
Jackattack "Bitch, tell me something I don't know" 

I giggled as I joined his party and set up my character, equipped with my favorite sniper rifle and glock. 

Jackattack "Guys, this is Miranda, the girl I told you guys about" 




Googie136 "annyeonghaseyo"

"Well shit, that's intimidating" I giggled "hey everyone. I don't speak German, or Japanese but I know a bit of Korean so hopefully we can all play together" 

"I'm sure we'll be fine" 

"We all know enough English anyway" 

Googie136 "We'll be okay. Jack says you play well" 

"I do" I chuckled, their English was so cute. I love when people from other countries speak different languages.

Makes me wanna pinch their cheeks. 

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