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©All Rights Reserved for 'The New Generation.' The storyline and contents inside this story are ALL my own original thoughts and works that came from nothing other than my very own imagination. Please do not copy! Thank you all for reading!

Is there ever a moment in your life when true panic was experienced? Now, I'm not talking about the kind of panic you'd feel if you were to break a limb, or when you're late to some kind of major event, or when you think you've lost or forgotten something.

I'm talking about the kind of panic that makes you realize life as you know it will forever be changed all because of you. The kind of panic that consumes your entire being and you're not sure how to make it stop because now it's out of your control, the kind of panic that makes your heart race to the point of combustion, the kind that makes your head throb and your body weak, the kind that presents itself to you like a slap in the face.

That's what I'm feeling right now, though my panic is nothing compared to others. My panic is from making a grave mistake that I won't ever be able to undo. I thought I was helping, I spent over a century trying to ensure that the future I've seen never comes to pass. I've changed things the way I saw fit and by doing so, little by little, the future started to change for the better. For a moment there was a glimmer of hope, a light at the end of a dark tunnel. . .

And then that moment ended.

I messed up, there are only so many times you can push time before it starts to push back and I know I went too far. Everything that happened was meant to, but by speeding up the process I also sped up the doom of the world.

Not that long ago, I encouraged a man to lock up my people, the aeteri. I encouraged the idea, I deceived him by telling him that in the end, he would get what he deserves and he did. I did that because I knew that if he didn't, they would be too late to stop what's coming, I just didn't anticipate the amount of power this enemy held nor the influence. I didn't see it and I should have.

"We need to hide," Estella pulled my arm and I ripped it away in anguish. The amount of guilt and fear that I feel is something I haven't felt since I was a child who received her gifts for the first time, that was so long ago, and yet I still remember everything as if it were yesterday, I never forget.

"What have I done?" I questioned quietly, shaking my head.

Estella stood in front of me now, gripping my arms tightly, "You can't continue on like this!" She hissed, trying to pull me away.

"Enough!" I yelled, shocking her. It was rare whenever I even raised my voice, but to shout at the one person who has never left my side in over thirty years was surprising, yet I couldn't bring myself to care. I'm the reason this is happening the way it is.

"I should have never interfered, I should have left everything alone," I whispered, looking in the distance at the shadow that hovered over the earth.

It's too late now, there are no more ways I can try to help, no way for me to tweak the future once more, no more time at all.

Time. . . something I've never had to worry about, something I was confident in and now, it's up.

"You did what you thought was best," Estella smiled sadly, and I looked away from her. Even she is aware of what's about to happen, to us, to the world, to the universe. "If you didn't do what you did, that team wouldn't have been born for another decade or so, and by then it would have been much too late. Itri would have already reigned over the earth."

I disagreed, "But they would have been born regardless. Much later, yes, but they still would have been born, banned together, and fought him."

"Would they have won though?" She questioned.

That was the question that always stumped me. The thing is, I've seen every outcome of the battle in my mind and if that team had been born later, the answer is always no. They would not have won, not in one single scenario.

"If the institutes were never built, those women would have yet to have those children-"

"Titania would have still arrived at the time she did," I muttered, rubbing a hand down my face. "The twins would have still been born."

"I know that," She spoke softly as if I would break at any moment. "That was the whole point of speeding things up, to make sure Nysa would be surrounded by others like her that were the same age."

My eyes snapped to hers in a fiery rage, "But she isn't like them! I thought her team would be enough to keep her darkness at bay and not just that, I thought their parents would give them the notes I wrote so they would know what to avoid. I didn't see it and I should have, maybe if I can-"

A loud boom sounded around us and I didn't have to look up to know that it was happening. Ever since speaking with the young aeteri named Adelaide, I haven't had a single vision. I can no longer see the future. I don't like what this can mean, there are too many possible explanations and I don't like any of them, the scariest one being that there may no longer be a future for me to see at all.

My head throbbed, my hands are shaking and I can no longer use my gift to try and help any longer. All of our futures are in the hands of the new generation which was the plan until I realized my mistake.

"It's really over," I stated quietly, finally allowing Estella to pull me along with her.

I've spent so long trying to perfect time that I never once saw the true damage I was doing. My influence on the future is over right when I need to change things the most.

My parents always told me to never interfere and let time run its course, they said that everything will happen as designed but of course I never listened. I was never content with the things I saw, I always tried to make things better. I thought by changing the outcome of the future I would improve the lives of others and for a time, I did. I was able to help so many people throughout my lifetime. As I saw the changes I made, I strived to do more and I finally saw an opportunity that I thought would improve the lives of billions, and over time I took it one step at a time unknowingly taking a step too far.

Look where that led me.

"There is nothing more you can do. This is no longer your fight, you need to move on."

How can I move on? There will be nothing to move on to, I've ruined everything and soon, the rest of my people will know it. People who thought I was never wrong about anything will find out that I'm the reason this world will fall apart and there's nothing I can do about it.

"All we can do now is hope that this team will somehow see the error and correct it," Estella said while I followed behind her numbly.

I closed my eyes at her words knowing that will never happen. As much as I used to love always being right with my predictions, now was not one of those times. I wish more than anything that my last vision was wrong, but who am I kidding?

"Xenna, it's time to move on." She repeated one more time, I listened, taking shelter with the others.

It wasn't supposed to be this way, I was supposed to know how everything went down detail by detail and now, the universe is doomed all because I didn't see what I was meant to. This is my fault, there's no going back.

My predictions always come true and for the first time in my entire life, I hope with every fiber of my being that they won't, but I already know that's just wishful thinking and this is truly the end.


Here it is! The prologue to the very last book of the Aeterian Series! I hope you all enjoy the book and all it has to offer:) It's been a wild ride and a few years but for everyone who stuck around since the beginning, I truly do love you.

I hope this book takes you on a crazy ride full of twists and turns that make you happy, sad, angry, shocked and so much more.

I hope you liked this first look;)

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