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i fell on my bed in a empty house. finally peace and quiet after everyone just fucking talking, after seeing y/n with that bitch milos.


why are you screaming in your own mind you idiot

i don't know and fuck you

go fuck y/n- oh wait you can't

your a piece of shit

your literally- nvm

that's what i thought

holy shit

i'm going crazy😀

i'll be just fine it's all in my head.

"i'm fucking hungry" i mumbled getting up from my bed.

my head was still pounding, i grabbed on to the railing as i was walking down so i my dumbass wouldn't fall.

i opened the pantry down seeing all the delicious snacks, i grabbed my favorite chips opening them and placing them on the table.

i went to the fridge to grab something to drink and poured some on a glass cup. i placed the coke bottle back in the fridge then sat at the table.

my hand went into the bag of chips and i ate them, all, on accident.

"hey bitch the fuck" i said madly looking at the empty bag.

"sun of a bitch" i yelled throwing them in the trash can.

i opened the counter to see the pills my mom has stocked in case something happened. i looked through then to finally see motrin.

"ughh my love" i said opening the pill bottle and throwing one in my mouth.

i took some water near me to shallow it so the pill goes down in my stomach and works.

after about 5 minutes my headache started to slowly go away.


"babe i don't want to argue but it's true" alvaro said pacing my room back and forth.

"if he didn't cheat they would still be happy together" i shrugged.

"ok ok but they belong together! kairi hasn't looked this happy in years! y/n just needs to time to realize that milos isn't the one and that kairi is!" he stopped.

"and you know this lily, the group loved them together. come on please just be on kairi's side!" he pleaded, i stayed quiet knowing he was right.

"just tell me if she still loves him" he asked going on his knees cupping my face.

"yes she does" i answered quietly as he smiled big.

"your right alvaro ok ima admit to it but right now y/n is happy, i want her happy. if kairi really loves my best friend he would fight for her" i said, alvaro nodded and got up.

"cuddles" he asked jumping on my bed.

"cuddles" i said agreeing.

alvaro pulled me over him wrapping his arms around my waist as i wrapped mine over his neck. he kissed my lips then put the covers on us.

You have more courage than you know.

You will never know how brave you are until you take that first step into your fear. The greatest lie you will tell yourself is that you "can't." The first step is always the hardest. The ones that follow often lead to fulfillment and empowerment no matter what actually transpires. Just doing that hard thing will strengthen you and help you realize you have more courage than you know.

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