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shit shit shit why did i say yes to a date with milos, i'm not over kairi yet. just seeing him makes me wanna cry again.


"y/n stop screaming fuck in your mind you said yes now let's get you ready" nailea said.

"fine fine" i sat on my vanity as lily and nai started doing my hair and makeup.

"guys what if he tries to kiss me" i said freaking out more than ever.

"than kiss him back that bitch is sexy asf" lily said putting on some powder.

"alvaro wouldn't like to hear that" nailea said laughing and i snorted.

"milos is sexy asf but alvaro is my baby who is even sexier and good in bed" lily said which made me do a weird face and nai chuckle.

"ok done with your hair what time he picking you up" nailea asked as i grabbed my phone reading the time 4:30.

"he's picking me up at 5:30" lily sighed from relief while nailea ran to my closet.

"sexy or not sexy" nailea whispered picking through my dresses.

"go like fuck me but hiding it yk" lily answered as nai agreed with her.

"ok all done" after like 30 minutes lily was finally done and i got up to change.

"hurry bitch you have 10 minutes" i grabbed the dress and hurried into the bathroom.

"hurry bitch you have 10 minutes" i grabbed the dress and hurried into the bathroom

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i walked out the bathroom as nailea and lily started cheering hyping me up. i did a little dance then got a text.

i'm here cutie


kairi always came to get me.

"ok he's here" there eyes widen and we rushed out my room.

"where you going" fernando asked with his arm around my mom.

"on a date with a guy" i said as my mom frowned.

"isn't it to soon" she asked as i looked down.

"he moved on so now it's my turn plus my date is hot" i smirked as my mom rolled her eyes.

"love you guys" i hugged nai and lily then left the house.

"you look good" milos said sliding his hand to my thigh.

"not to bad yourself"

milos bit his lip and started driving to the place we were going. the car stopped and it was a restaurant but didn't look expensive.

yesssss i didn't like wasting money.

"let's go cutie" milos said as we both got out the car.

"hello table for milos please" the waiter nodded and brought us to our table.

we ordered and they brought our food in 10 minutes which was good.

"so what's your favorite color" he asked.

"blue and yours"


it wasn't really awkward which i also loved, the conversation never stopped. me and milos has a lot in common actually.

the only thing i didn't like was that i kept fucking thinking about kairi. of course i'm not over him i love him and probably will always love him but seeing him with maddie just


just made my heart burn in a way i couldn't explain.

"y/n? y/n? y/n!" he yelled making me flinch out of my thoughts.

"i'm s-sorry what did you say" i saw his smile turn into a frown.

"do you really wanna be here right now" milos asked hoping i would say yes.

"no" i said lowly and he scoffed.

"i'm sorry ok but i'm not going to get over kairi just like that milos, we were together for 3 fucking months and he cheated, broke my heart but with you i'm starting to get feelings for you just can we please take things slow" he nodded his head and got up.

"take some time for yourself y/n, i'll wait for you but just heal" then he walked away leaving me there.



fuck him.

i mean i understand what he meant.

i looked to see if anyone was staring and i left the restaurant. milos had drove away already.

this is absolutely bullshit.

i started walking home when i looked in seeing the boys and kairi eating at mcdonald's then she came.

fucking maddie.

"i kinda want a drink" i smirked.

there wasn't really a line so i walked in mcdonald's getting everyone's attention.

"is that y/n" i heard mattia say as i turned around to smile.

"hey y/n wanna sit with us" alvaro asked, i could fee kairi's eyes on me with maddies blood boiling.

"oh sorry i would but milos is waiting for me in the car" i lied feeling kairi's anger rise.

"damn couldn't even get off with his girl so sad" maddie smirked while laughing.

"i told him to stay in the car" i said.

"i bet he has a small dick" maddie said making kairi laugh.

"oh no he doesn't it's actually big hits my g-spot to the point i'm screaming-" that's when kairi's hand hit the table.

"oh thank you" i smiled at the waiter giving me the drink.

"well bye guys about to go get some dick" i hugged ale, varo, and matti.

"by the way maddie your hair and makeup looks like shit and is your ass getting smaller" i asked as the boys started laughing and maddie frowning.

i walked out like the bad bitch i am and left to my house.

In order to get, you have to give.

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