1: The beginning

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"Be safe Y/n! You heard what the Diana said on the news! " I hear my mother shout. "Yeah, yeah ok mom!" I shout back as I walk out the door.

I smile when I see my best friend, Judy, I also see another male walk by Judy seems to know him as she waves. He has light brown curls for hair and bright hazel eyes that are hidden behind a pair of glasses. I look at Judy and nod. She takes off running and I take off after her.

I lose track of her as she speeds into the school that's covered head to toe in students. I sigh and slow down to a casual walk and that's when chaos was bound to strike....

I went into the loud school and tried to find my locker in the huge crowd of students. I end up just giving up on it and head for my classroom. I never end up making it to my classroom.

The huge crowd wouldn't budge. I was stuck, then I hear a high pitch scream followed by gasps and more screams. I move to the side and see someone bite another person. Was it the virus? I thought and decided I'd be better run. Better safe then dead right?

I shove people to the side and run out to the gas station. Outside was chaos but the gas station was closed and no one had thought of just running in. I make sure no one's watching me as I check the lock on the door and to my surprise it's unlocked. I open the door enough for me to slide in and close the door once I'm in.

I walk to the back of the store and check the other door. It's unlocked. I lock the front door and hide behind a shelf. I open my backpack and take out any things that will be useless. For example I don't think I'll need algebra homework. I put it in a neat pile and garb a marker. I write 'Sorry I took so much stuff go to the backroom for more stuff!' And cap the marker. I set the stack of papers on the counter and start searching for useful stuff. I grab three small bags and fill them with small candies and snacks.

I put the small bags into the smaller pockets of my backpack and grab a bunch of water. I grab a few pop bottles but not many. I grab a pocket knife and a few bottles of pepper spray. I put small bags of candies and pocket knives in the water bottle holders on my backpack.

I grab the cold sandwiches and put them in one of the small bags. I grab more small bags and fill them with as much food as I can and set them in my back pack. I grab one last small bag and put all of the pepper sprays in it.

I grab portable chargers and plug them in. I need them charged as much as possible. I know the power will eventually give out. I grab multiple chargers just in case.

I grab a few bags of chips and shove them into my backpack. I realize there is one last smaller bag and fill it full with anything I can. I nod at the stash I have. There's around a few months of food and water if I ration it out. I open my back pack and set the portable charges in. I look at my phone and see that it's only at 85 percent. I turn it off and go out the back door.

Outside is still chaos. I run into another closed store and grab a duffle bag from inside. While walking around I see my childhood friend, Peyton, and call out to her. "Peyton!" She jumps at the sound of her name being called out and turns to me. I realize she has three bags full and fourth one being filled.

I run up to her. She smiles when she realizes it's me and puts a few of her bags on her back. "Y/n! I'm so glad your ok!" She says as she hugs me. I smile and pull away from the hug. I stare into her white orbs as she stares into my e/c ones.

"Need any help?" She asks "Nononono you have four bags! I only have two!" I answer her."Ok but how's your loot?" She asks as she looks at my bag. "It's decent but we should hurry and get more stuff!" I say as I run over to the snacks section. I grab a few boxes of fruit snacks and a few of crackers. She runs after me and grabs a few boxes.

"I think we have enough food...We should get a bunch of clothing and medical stuff." I tell her she nods. "I'll get medical stuff you get clothing" she then pulls a small paper out of her pocket and hands it to me. I grab the paper and read it. It says; Size --- for shirts and size --- for pants. I look up at her and nod before grabbing a bag from beside us and running off.

Peyton P.O.V

I watch as Y/n runs off after grabbing a bag from beside us. I grab a bag and speed off toward the medical stuff. I grab a bunch of bottles of pain relievers and a bunch of boxes of bandages. I look around and still don't see anyone so I take each and every box and bottle of what I've grabbed already. Band aids? Gone straight into the bag. Pain medication? Also in the bag!

I zipped the bag shut and put it into a large duffle bag. I've been putting all of the smaller bags I have in to and shut that as well.

I decide I'll grab a few more snacks then I'll make my way back to where we were. I grab Y/n's favorite snack which is, f/s! I then grab my favorite snack and head back to where we are gonna meet.

Reader-chan's P.O.V

After I run off I head to the clothing section I grab a bunch of shirts from the male section and head to the female section. I grab random shirts and pants/shorts in Peyton's size and the same for mine.

On my way back I grab a few of our favorite drinks including f/d and Water. (My favorite drink is water ok?). I walk to the area and see Peyton already standing there with her head down. "Peyton! Your here already? I didn't keep you waiting to long did I?" I ask. She flinches at the noise and looks up at me "Huh?" Is all she said before I knew she had fallen asleep.

I laugh a bit and smile at her. "I asked if I kept you waiting for awhile which I'm sure I did." I tell her. She shakes her head "Not really I stayed up to long last night." She tells me "Anime or simping?" I ask. "Both!" She exclaims followed by a closed eyed smile and jazz hands.

I sigh and grab her arm. "We better get going who knows how long until people crowd the place". I smile and she nods. We run out of the store and look for shelter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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