"Just who is that anyway?" She asked. She took a seat beside her brother, waiting for his answer with a frown. "He's" (Y/n) paused, not really knowing how to answer, "He's my classmate, Nate". "Just your classmate?" She asked again, green eyes desperately searching (Y/n)'s for something.

"I think so?" He said, furrowing his eyebrows, "I'm not actually sure. It's kinda confusing". And I think it's about to become a lot more confusing. "I don't like him" Skyler stated, rubbing the palms of her hands together.

The two shared several seconds of silence. "I'm not sure how to feel about him honestly" (Y/n) said with a sigh, "I thought we were friends, but he made it very clear that he doesn't think so".

"Ever since the shit with mom hit the fan, I've been trying to protect both you and Ella" Skyler said. Her eyes fell to her lap for a few seconds before darting back up to meet (Y/n)'s again. "So because of that, I just--.. Please try to stay away from him".

"I'll try" (Y/n) said. Although, I'm not promising anything because I'm pretty sure Nate can sense my presence or something. "Okay" Skyler said, nodding to herself, "Okay. Thanks". The boy gave a soft smile as she calmed down a bit.

"What did he say to you?" (Y/n) asked. The question had been eating him up. Skyler didn't say anything for a few seconds, but it felt like hours to him. "Nothing too worrying. It was more the way he said it that scared me" she admitted, "It sounded so definite".

(Y/n) didn't do anything that day. He got a few calls and texts from Jaxon, but other than that, all was quiet. Actually, he spent most of the day burying his complicated thoughts in anime and throwing his emotions into the closest bottle.

Dear Google,

Is it normal to want to throat punch your past self for befriending-ish a yandere? Oh and while I'm here, is it normal for said befriended- ish yandere to then turn his emotions onto you out of no where? Asking for a friend.

(Y/n) gave a bitter laugh at his inability to cope with emotions without making a poor attempt at a joke about said emotions. "These last few days have been the biggest fuck you I've ever gotten in my entire life" He muttered to himself.

He stared up at his ceiling as a frown pulled on his lips. "Well, fuck you too" He said a bit louder, flipping off said ceiling. Now that my moment of angst is over, I really need to get a plan ready.

(Y/n) got out one of the many stray notebooks that he had scattered around his room. This one happened to be a black notebook that he promised his mom that he would use as an outlet instead of bottling up his emotions. Incase the blank pages wasn't enough of an indication, (Y/n) obviously stuck to that promise.

He skipped the first five pages and got out a pencil before pausing. "I'm an idiot" He said with a sigh. He closed the notebook and plopped it on the floor beside his bed. It would be too risky to have a physical copy of any plans I make. Especially since Nate is able to get into my room whenever he feels like it.

(Y/n) glanced around his room, studying everything it held. I wonder if he snooped around in my room. I would ask why, but he made that very clear earlier. He shook his head, trying to dislodge the thoughts entirely.

Enough of that, BRAIN! I need to focus on getting my sister off of Nate's hit list. So if you could just not be so me for a bit, that would be great. He used one of his throw blankets to turn himself into a burrito and got to planning.

I think dad has a rifle, but I'd rather peel off my own face than ask him for anything. (Y/n) knew even with said rifle he wouldn't be able to bring himself to shoot the other male, but who knew? Maybe him having it would at least deter Nate a bit.

Yeah, going back to my angst moment,

Fuck my life.


Yes I am aware that this chapter is a train wreck. You're just gonna have to deal with it until the next chapter (which will hopefully make a bit more sense and actually seem reasonable).

But until then, I have some drawings that I made for this book because my 2AM half asleep brain made me do it. Enjoy. I think.

Okay so this is Nate, but it's one that I did in about an hour so sorry if it's crappy. It's my attempt at a cat filter so yeah.

This one I just wanted to draw Jaxon being an adorable bean

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This one I just wanted to draw Jaxon being an adorable bean. It's actually the drawing that gave me the idea to add my own art to it.

 It's actually the drawing that gave me the idea to add my own art to it

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This one is my personal favorite

This one is my personal favorite

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Okay, that's all. Bye bye

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