Season 1: A

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My first day as a cop, somewhat scary being the youngest on the team.

My desk was opposite a Mr. Nygma, he seemed nice, the reason why my desk was upstairs was because there wasn't enough room downstairs :/

I met the infamous Detective Jim Gordon, he was really nice to me and settled me in just fine. He was new here aswell but he had more experience than me, and happily enough gave me my first case; to find out if Jerome valeska had killed more people than just his mother.

Essen told the head of Arkham our plan and he went along with it fine.

«Arkham asylum - day 1»
I was wearing a tacky, black and white striped dress, with a pair of slip on shoes, no laces cuz that's considered a weapon :)

I was sitting in a corner table, by myself, with my breakfast tray in front of me, Jerome was on the opposite table, every now and again I would look up and find him staring at me.
I fineshed off my breakfast and walked back to my cell to grab my notebook and pencil, when I came back to my table, Jerome was sitting down opposite my seat ;waiting for me to come back no doubt.

Whem he caught glimpse of me, he smiled and stood up,
"hiya gorgeous"
"what's ya name ?"
" y/n, yours ? "
" Jerome, jerome valeska "
"m'kay "

I sat in my seat and started sketching

"What'cha drawing, y/n "
" nunya "
" what's that sweets ? "
" none ya business"

He let out a blood curdling laugh and banged his hands on the table, making me jump at the sudden sound,

" that was a good one, darlin!"

And with that he left to go do god knows what.

-later that night -
It was around 2:00 this morning when I heard my door creak open, and faint tip-toeing on the hard cement floor, a plop towards the end of my bed. Safe to say that my heart was now splattered across the wall in front of me.

"y/n" I heard an unknown voice whisper

"its your pal, jerome"  he added

"go, I'm sleeping" I said

"but I'm bored"


"I'll just leave then"




And with that he left, making me wonder how the fuck he got the key to my cell...

New book give it some love, soz that 'the life life of George' came to an abrubt end, ha!

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