"Please be here please be here please be here." I mumble as I walk down the stairs.

"JACKIE!" I yell out, hoping for an answer.

"Sup Dar?" She asks coming into the living room.

"I've got to head to the police station, our idiot and his friends got busted." I tell her and she nods, knowing exactly who I mean.

"The one night I don't go is the one night they get popped." She says and I laugh.

"I hear ya there, anyways I got to go bail them out." I tell her lifting my keys. She grabs them from my hand and walks to the door.

"I'm not that stupid, you still can't drive yet missy." She says as we get in my truck.

"Missy, Jackie I'm only like two years younger than you." I say and she laughs. We head to the police station and get the boys out. When they all come out they all give me this look.

"They impounded your trucks and cars didn't they?" I ask and they all nod. I sigh and look at my truck.

"I only have three seats inside, which means four of y'all are gonna have to sit in the box, so who wants to sit in-" I start but get interrupted by Ryan running for the back door of the truck. He jumps in and slams the door.

"Well I guess he's sitting inside, who are the other two?" I ask. Azn and Javier get in and I look at the remaining four.

"But, I'm your brother." Justin whines.

"So what, your girlfriend's in the truck right now, do you really want to explain what happened to her?" I ask him and he looks at me.

"I changed my mind, I'll sit in the box." He says as he begins to hoist himself into the box of the truck. The rest of the guys get in with him and I go back to the passenger side of the truck. I get in and look at Jackie.

"Let's go drop these idiots off at their places." I say to Jackie. She starts the truck and I look at the three guys in the truck.

"How did this even happen?" I ask and Javier goes to talk but both Ryan and Azn stop him by putting their hands over his mouth.

"With the fact that you're the reason it happened I think we'll speak." Azn told him.

"Jeff be nice, I mean I agree but be nice." I say and I hear Jackie laugh.

"This one didn't do his job of looking out right and the cops popped is." Ryan says as he nudges Javier. We get to Javier's house and Dave basically pulls him out of the truck and get's in. We drop Azn off and I get a message.

Um Daryn?

Yeah Javier

My shoe is still in your truck


Please tell me your joking

I wish I was Daryn, I wish I was

How tf did you manage to lose your shoe in my truck

It fell off when Dave pulled me out

We're on the way.

By the time I finish messaging Javier we've dropped off Dave and Kamikaze and Shawn are now in the truck along with Ryan.

"Hey guys can you do me a favor?" I ask the three boys in the back.

"Sup Dar?" All three say at the same time.

"Can you look for a black adidas shoe?" I ask them.

"Your wearing Vans." Kamikaze points out and I refrain from smacking him.

"It's not mine, oh also it's men's." I say and they start scrounging around.

"Found it." Shawn says and Ryan looks at it for what seems like forever.

"Wait, is that Javier's shoe?" He asks and I tap him on the head with it.

"Congratulations Sherlock you figured it out." I say and he pouts. We drop the rest of the boys off leaving just Ryan and Justin then head to Javier's place. I get out and knock on the door

"Hey Daryn." He says opening the door.

"Here's your shoe." I say passing it to him.

"Thanks." He says.

"I'm tired so I'ma head out." I tell him and he nods. We drop Ryan at his place then head home.

Yeaaaah so this ended up longer than I expected but oh well. Drama to come soon😉. Also I just got a new phone and it just signed me up for a free trial for YouTube music premium by itself but idk how to end it and if my parents find out then they are gonna be pissed, someone please help me figure this out.

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