Out in Memphis

Depuis le début

"I mean, what hurts the most is that you didn't feel you could tell me the truth." I say and leave the room. There was only one person who I could think of that wouldn't be gone yet or getting ready to leave, so I head to his hotel room. I knock on the door and he answers not long after.

"Daryn what's wrong?" He asks me. At this point I'm crying.

"R-ryan, he didn't trust to tell me that he had a son, Lou I don't know what to do." I say standing in the middle of the hall.

"Well come in here so we can talk." Lou tells me as he leads me in his room. He moves his camera and let's me sit on the bed.

Lou's POV: (Suprise, literally I didn't plan on putting this in originally.)

"What happened?" I ask Daryn and she looks at me.

"Well he got a call and when I asked who it was he said it was his ex, then I told him that I never liked her then he brought up someone named Dax and when I asked him who that was he said no one. But then I asked again because I wanted to know and this time he caved and told me that it was his son. He not only didn't tell me the so far that we've been together, but he also didn't tell me when we were just friends. He said he didn't want to hurt me but, why would that hurt me? It hurt me more knowing that he kept the fact that he had a son from me for almost three years." She tells me. What surprises me the most is that she trusts me with all this, the day she saved me from the paint balloon fight is the only time we've ever talked well besides right now.

"Daryn, maybe he just wanted to keep it to himself, have you ever seen a kid acting really affectionate around him that wasn't a fan?" I ask her and she looks up for a moment, I'm pretty sure she's thinking.

"Well I mean there was one time." She says as she moves to sit cross legged on the bed.

"Ok what happened?" I ask her.

"Well it was at NPK. Ryan had just won the seventh or eight race. He was high fiving everyone when this kid about two or three years old that his ex was holding was trying to get into his arms. Then not long after he sat the kid on the roof of Fireball and passed him the trophy. The kid was smiling just as much as Ryan... omg that kid was Dax. Now that I think of it he had a couple of instagram photos with that kid in them. Omg he has told me about him I just forgot until now, I am the stupidest person ever." She tells me.

"Hey you're not stupid. Anyways would you like me to drive you to the spot?" I ask and she nods.

"Only if you don't mind." She says and I look at her.

"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to." I tell her and she smiles.

"Thanks Lou."

"It's really no problem, only if you still want to go." I tell her.

"Yeah, I do." She says nodding.

~time skip~
Daryn POV:

"Are we almost there?" I ask Lou for the millionth time since the moment we pulled out of the hotel parking lot.

"Yeah look ahead of us." He says and I look.

"I see a red car ahead, actually correction I see a red Camaro, holy shit yes he's here." I say smiling.

"Go see him." Lou says as he puts the truck in park. I got to get out but then stop for a moment. I turn around and give him a quick hug.

"Thank you, for everything." I say and he smiles.

"Anytime Daryn." He says. I get out and quietly walk over to the drivers circle. Everyone else is staring at me, including the Memphis crew. I put my finger to my lips and silently walk up behind Ryan. I jump on his back and he screams.

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