Her mind suddenly gave her an incredible idea, the girl thinking about it for a second before she got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, settling her laptop on the counter. She rummaged around for a second for the things she needed before she brushed through her hair and tied it up just below her boobs.

Teena had always had long hair, she never cut it too short and she always loved the fact her hair reached her thighs, but she figured that if she cut her hair a bit shorter that she and Lando would then be floating in the same boat.

"Qu'est-ce que je fais? Oh mon dieu." Teena shakes her head before she takes the scissors to her hair, cutting it off just above where she'd put the two hair ties in her hair. 

Once she'd done both sides of it, she straightened up the edges as neatly as possible before she cut her curtain bangs to sit better on her face. She looked at herself in the mirror for a second before she picked up the fairly long amount of hair she'd just cut off and made her way into his office.

"I return with a surprise." Teena speaks, forgetting she was just in a bralette and pyjama shorts.

"Is it food?" Lando asks as he spins around.

"Unless you wanna eat about 8 inches of my hair for dinner then no it isn't." Teena replies.

"Woah." Lando goes wide-eyed.

"Just for you." She grins.

"You didn't have to." Lando looks at her,

"But now we're both floating in the same boat of mourning over our hair. It needed cutting anyway, I'm tired of sitting on it when I sit down." She grins softly.

"Cute." Lando laughs.

"I'll leave you to your stream." She pecks his lips again before she disappears.

She cleans up the mess she made in the bathroom and made sure to have a quick shower before she got back in bed, finally being able to finish her film with no interruptions and no intrusive thoughts. Lando came in around half an hour later, showered to get rid of all the hair stuck to his body before he got in bed with his girlfriend.

"How can you think I'm attractive with no hair?" Lando asks.

"Because your hair isn't what makes you attractive, mon amour. I think you forget you have an incredible personality sometimes." She replies, listening to him sigh as he rolls over and rests his arm on her hip.

"Only downside to you having no hair is that I can't pull on it." She mutters, listening to his soft laugh.

"It's a good job your hair isn't too short otherwise I'd have nothing to pull on either." Lando grins cheekily.

"Can't believe I'm bald." Lando shakes his head after minutes of silence.

"Mon amour you look great, okay? You did a nice thing for charity, plus now it'll grow back thicker, healthier and a lot quicker. You'll get used to it eventually." She soothes him.

She lay on her back with her laptop on her knees in front of her, the boy resting his head on her chest as they finished the rest of their film. Lando chose another one for them to watch, the boy rather happy to have his girlfriend spending the lockdown period with him.

"Excited to get back racing soon?" Teena speaks up.

"More than." Lando grins.

"Shame we don't actually know when it's gonna happen isn't it?" She sighs.

"I'm hoping to get at least a podium this season." Lando admits.

"I bet you'll get one, guarantee. You've worked hard enough for it." She beams proudly.

"I love you, you know that right?" Lando sighs softly.

"Je t'aime aussi, mon amour." She presses a soft kiss to his forehead before he shut her Macbook lid and put it on the floor.

"Get some sleep." Teena mumbles, the boy turning out the lamp on the sidetable to leave them in complete darkness.


Pretty Green Eyes➛Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now