Chapter 1

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Tommy woke up that Saturday to the sound of shouting from downstairs. He glanced at the clock and found that it was 3:46 am. What the hell could they be fighting about this early.

Tommy slid out of his covers and walked to the stairs.

"—am I so angry? Wilbur, you come home at this ungodly hour, not answering your phone nor telling anyone where you are and expect me to be calm about it?!" Tommy hears Phil yell.

Tommy peeked through the railings and saw Wilbur roll his eyes, "Well, you and Techno leave for a week without warning, so I don't see the problem with me being out for a couple of hours," he said.

"Wil, you know that it's different," Phil said, his voice losing the power from before.

"Yeah? How is it different? You're not around, then fine, I won't be around either," Wilbur said.

Before Tommy could eavesdrop any longer, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. Flinching, Tommy whipped his head around and found a drowsy looking Technoblade eyeing him.

"You should go back to bed," the older told him.

"But what about..." Tommy glanced at the two adults fighting downstairs.

Techno shook his head, "Hopefully they'll cool down in the morning."

Tommy frowned but complied and walked back to his room. He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Muffled words filling his ears.

He pulled his covers over his head and closed his eyes, wishing that he would fall asleep already and escape reality.


A few hours later—once the sun was actually up—it was obvious that the house was tense.

Looks like Phil and Wilbur didn't cool off entirely.

"Hey, Tech, pass the syrup," Wilbur said, his gaze never leaving Phil's.

"You can reach the syrup, Wilbur," Techno said. "Maybe if you actually look at it, you wouldn't need someone to hand it to you," he said, but despite himself, he passed the syrup bottle to the brunet.

"Oh, sorry about that," Wilbur said in a condescending tone. "I guess only Philza can boss you around huh?"

"Wilbur, leave your brother out of this," Phil said. "He has nothing to do with it."

"So you admit that what you did was shitty," Wilbur crossed his arms across his chest. 

"I'm providing for this family aren't I?" Phil asked. "You guys are enrolled in one of the best schools in the city. You have all the newest things in the market!"

"Have you ever thought that we don't need all that?!" Wilbur yelled. "We don't need fancy stuff, or—or a big house or whatever. We just want you to actually spend time with us. All of us!"

Wilbur stormed out of the dining room. 


"Hey," Tommy peeked into Wilbur's room.

"Hey," Wilbur replied dryly, not even turning away from his computer.

"So," Tommy started as he shifted nervously by the door. "I was wondering if you want to, I don't know, hang out?"

Wilbur hummed, "Not right now, Toms," he let out a sigh as he swiveled his chair to face the blond. "Maybe tomorrow? I just—Phil was—you know how it is."

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