Chapter 14

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A/N: It's been like four months since I wrote chapter 13:) I'm so sorry for not updating alhamdulillah I've been so busy. My exams just finished so inshallah I will be updating regularly:) Please continue reading this story cause there's still many chapters left! hope you enjoy it:)

"Ahsen, congratulations! my daughter is getting married!"Halime squealed in excitement. She wiped her tears of joy as they trickled down her cheeks. Ahsen hugged Halime and Hayme Ana lovingly and they said congratulations to her. Ahsen smiled and tried to fight the flowing stream of tears that wanted to pour out and trickle down her face. She thought this would be one of the happiest days of her life, but she was so overwhelmed with emotion about leaving the tribe, and leaving her parents, siblings, and Hayme Ana. Ahsen sobbed in her mother's arms for hours that day. Halime was shocked, she didn't know Ahsen would be so emotional. Hayme Ana scolded Ahsen multiple times, she told her to control her emotions and go and help her mother prepare dinner, but Ahsen didn't listen.

 When it was nearly sunset, Savci came to Ahsen's tent and asked her to help him sharpen his sword. Ahsen shook her head no and told Savci to go away. "What's wrong with you Ahsen? I thought you loved Omer, and would be so excited to marry him, but ever since your marriage got confirmed you're in a bad mood?" Savci asked cheekily. "Shut up savci" Ahsen replied as she was brushing her hair angrily in front of her golden mirror. "Your cheeks didn't go as red as a tomato when I said his name, that's weird" Savci teased. Ahsen ignored his antics and rolled her eyes slightly as she looked at him in the mirror. "Omer" Savci repeated his name many times to tease Ahsen and see if she would blush ,"Omer". "STO-" Ahsen began to say but then she finally blushed and Savci kept teasing her even more "Ahsen still has a crush on Omer! Ahsen still loves Omer!". Ahsen couldn't control herself and burst into uncontrollable laughter. "See, I cheered you up, now come for dinner, Anne's calling you" Savci said as he giggled slightly and smiled. "Ok I'm coming Savci, let me wear my headdress." Ahsen wore a beautiful lilac headdress that matched her dress and Savci began to mock the faces she was making while putting it on in the mirror. Ahsen rolled her eyes and shoved him slightly. Savci pushed her back, and Ahsen threatened to slap him. Savci simply laughed and Ahsen rolled her eyes (again, lol). As Ahsen and Savci were walking towards the main tent, they ran into Suleyman. "Congratulations Ahsen"he said with a slight smile on his face, then he walked away without even looking at Ahsen's face. "Wait, Suleyman -" Ahsen began to say, but he was gone. "Ooh- Ahsen Abla is torn between two guys, we thought she would end up with Omer, but maybe we were wrong, the mystery continues..." Savci teased. Ahsen took a deep breath and shook her head at Savci " Savci, what is your problem? Keep walking, we are getting late for dinner" Ahsen scolded her brother. When they finally reached the main tent, they saw that everyone was already there, so they rushed to their seats and they both apologized to their parents and to Hayme Ana for being late. "Ahsen, you seem much better now" Hayme Ana said with a smile on her face. " Yes, I am, Savci cheered me up" Ahsen replied. "What happened to my beautiful daughter, what happened to you, my angel, did someone do something to you?"Ertugrul Bey began to say, he was starting to panic. " Bey'm, pls relax, nothing happened she just got very emotional and upset because she doesn't want to leave Kayi tribe and go to Konya" Halime Sultan assured Ertugrul. " I don't think she will have to worry about that anymore" a voice said.... 

A/N: What will happen next? Who does the voice belong to? 

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