Chapter 10

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"Yes Ahsen, he is şehzade Omer"Ertugrul Bey said with a smile on his face. Ahsen gasped and turned to Omer. "Forgive me şehzade, one wouldn't expect a Seljuk prince to be roaming around in Kayi tribe"Ahsen apologized. "It's ok Ahsen Hatun, I came to Kayi tribe on my father's orders, I am inspecting all the nomad tribes. However, now my work here is done"Omer replied. He then turned to Ertugrul Bey and said "Excuse me Ertugrul Bey". Ahsen watched nervously as Omer left the tent, her heart sank. She would probably never see him again. Ahsen turned around and sank into a seat. She buried her face in her hands and took a deep breath. "Ahsen"Ertugrul asked, he was extremely worried. "Ahsen, are you crying"Ertugrul repeated. Ahsen removed her hands from her face, and smiled hesitantly. "I wasn't crying baba, I just needed to rest my eyes and take a breath"Ahsen explained. Ahsen got up and was about to leave when Ertugrul stopped her and began to speak. "Kizim, come, sit, because I know that as soon as you go to your tent, you will burst into tears"He said. Ahsen's face froze. She listened to her father and sat down next to him. "Kizim, I see the way that you look at Omer, and the way he looks at you too. His father is a good man, he has an honest heart, I know him well. I have met Omer twice and he is a very good person. He is a powerful şehzade, and I can see in his eyes that he loves you. Don't keep Suleyman's hopes up, I know that you will be happier with Omer"Ertugrul explained. Ahsen blushed and looked down. "Baba, how will a mighty, powerful Seljuk Sultan come to Kayi tribe and ask my hand in marriage from you for his son. What if Omer doesn't love me as much as I love him."Ahsen said, her eyes were still fixated at the ground. "Look at me, kizim, you don't need to be shy. First, know that you are Ertugrul Bey's daughter. All the brave men in the world would do anything to be your husband. I promise. If Omer loves you, he will try to convince Sultan Giyaseddin to invite me to the palace in Konya and ask for your hand in marriage" Ertugrul explained. Ahsen smiled and left the tent. 

Later that night, Halime was sitting in the tent, sobbing. Ertugrul entered and gasped. "Halime! Halime! my beautiful angel, don't cry"Ertugrul cried, he then kissed Halime's forehead and hugged her tightly. "Finally Ertugrul, being in your arms has cured my sadness"Halime explained. Ertugrul laughed and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god, don't be sad, I am here now. We haven't been able to spend time together, but I have been busy with tribe affairs and our daughter Ahsen"Ertugrul explained. "What happened to Ahsen"Halime asked. "Nothing alhamdulillah, she has just fallen in love with a şehzade"Ertugrul answered. Halime giggled and said "Out of all the people, Ahsen must fall in love with the prince of a dying state". "Halime, don't say that, aren't you also a Seljuk Princess"Ertugrul teased. "Now, I am the wife of Ertugrul Bey"Halime responded. Ertugrul and Halime smiled at each other. 

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