Chapter 6

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Halime, Selcan, Ahsen, Osman, Savci, and Gunduz were all at Sogut Bazaar. " Look at this beautiful dress, it's perfect for spring"Ahsen exclaimed. "Since when are you so interested in dresses, when you were younger you used to beg baba to let you wear alp clothes instead"Gunduz snorted. "Gunduz Abi, I am a Hatun now, wearing beautiful dresses doesn't mean I can't fight enemies"Ahsen replied firmly. Then she turned to the shopkeeper and said "Pack this for me, please". Just at that moment, chaos broke out in the bazaar. Ilbilge Hatun came galloping on her horse. She looked furious. She started coming closer and closer to Gunduz. She jumped off her horse, gathered her alps behind her and pulled out her dagger. She held the dagger in her hand firmly. Selcan Hatun and Halime Sultan came closer to the scene. Ahsen was already standing behind Gunduz. "Gunduz Alp, what have you done?"Ilbilge Hatun asked. "What have I done, Ilbilge Hatun?"Gunduz responded. "YOU KILLED MY FATHER"Ilbilge Hatun roared as she pushed the dagger onto Gunduz's throat. At that moment everyone gasped, and Halime stepped forward and pushed Ilbilge Hatun's dagger to the ground, she then turned Ilbilge around and pushed her slightly so that she tripped slightly and moved backwards, away from Gunduz. "How can you accuse my son like this?! How can you do that? Where is your proof? Where is your proof Hatun?"Halime roared. Ilbilge turned to Halime and said "Halime Hatun, I understand that it is hard for you to accept the truth, but Gunduz killed my father! I will get my revenge!"Ilbilge Hatun shouted, she then turned back to Gunduz. Gunduz had turned around and was talking to Ahsen about how stupid Ilbilge Hatun is, his back was facing Ilbilge Hatun. Ilbilge seized the opportunity to grab her dagger tightly and she was about to pierce it into Gunduz's shoulder. Halime yelled "GUNDUZ!". Just as the dagger was about to pierce Gunduz's skin, Ahsen pushed Gunduz out of the way with all the power in her body, pushed Ilbilge Hatun and grabbed the dagger from her. Before Ilbilge Hatun could make another move or snatch it back, she grabbed Ilbilge Hatun's dress and let go once she was close enough so that she could put the dagger against her throat. "Vah! Vah! Ilbilge Hatun!"Ahsen said as she tightened her grip on the dagger. "You tried to kill the son of the mighty Ertugrul Bey, you tried to kill the son of the Margrave Bey of these lands!"Ahsen yelled. At that moment, Ilbilge Hatun leaned towards Ahsen and bit her hand. Ahsen tried to push through but the dagger fell to the floor. "Ahsen! leave this woman to me, I shall handle her"Halime said as she nodded to Ahsen. "Leave it Ana, you are the great Seljuk princess Halime Sultan and the wife of Ertugrul Bey, don't waste you time on such stupid women"Ahsen told her mother. Ilbilge laughed and quickly picked up the dagger and put it to Ahsen's throat. "AHSEN!"Halime yelled in pain. "You can kill me now Ilbilge Hatun, Alhamdulillah  I only fear Allah"Ahsen said to Ilbilge Hatun with a smile on her face, then she did Ilbilge's trick and bit Ilbilge's hand. She then picked up the dagger and backed away. "Gunduz, your sister has wasted a lot of my time, now I must deal with you" Ilbilge said bitterly. 

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