Chapter 16

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Flinching and shivering like you did most mornings probably wasn't the best wake up call for Tom, you couldn't help it, it was just how your body adjusted to waking up. As you eyes slowly began to flutter open you saw that Tom was already awake and you could feel him draw circles around your back to calm you down. Once your eyes opened you were greeted with a soft smile.

"Good morning" He spoke with a gentle tone to his voice.


"It's nice to know you still shiver and flinch when you wake up" Tom told you.

"It's nice how you remembered to calm them down" You smiled again.

It was a beautiful morning by the looks of things, the sun was shinning through the balcony door illuminating the room, the sky was clear as day and for a late Friday morning in London it was very peaceful.

Once your body finally realised you'd woken up you stretched over to the nightstand and grabbed your phone, to your surprise you had over 20 miss calls from Brett, 10 voice mails and 50 texts! It was safe to say once you saw all your notifications you rolled your eyes and immediately put your phone back down.

"Brett?" Tom asked curiously.

"Who else would leave me 80 notifications" You huffed.

Your mouth opened to speak again but no noise came out, you wasn't sure if bringing up your divorce was the best idea after such an amazing day with Tom. It probably wasn't, but since you're sharing your life with Tom now you might as well bring it up.

You let out a deep sigh before you spoke. "I'm calling my lawyer today, asking for the divorce papers ASAP and once I get them I'm going to go round there give them to him, get all of my stuff and leave, might also pray I never see him again" You tried to get it all out in one sentence so you didn't ruin this mornings mood.

"As long as this is what you want I'll support you 100% of the way" He reassured you.

You hesitated for a moment, "Come to think of it... Is Chris single?" You laughed at your own joke.

Tom hit you playfully with the pillow. "You're mine" There was a slight possessiveness to his voice.

"Like I said last night... I'm all yours" You reminded him.

Tom pulled you in closer to him and hugged you tightly, never allowing you to leave his grasp.


It was later on in the afternoon when your phone call with your lawyer finished. You explained your situation and how you wanted the papers as soon as possible, you came to the agreement of coming down to the office tomorrow and collected them yourself and then getting them posted the same day as well, all that was left to do was tell Tom how the call went.

"Tom" You called out from upstairs hoping he would hear you, but he didn't.

You began to walk down the stairs and called his name out again but there was still no answer. He can't of gone out as you would of heard the door shut, so where could he be?

You checked the garden to see if he was with Bobby, the kitchen, his study and the bathroom but there was nothing, you wandered into the living room about to give up looking for him when you saw him sleeping on the sofa with his glasses on and a book in his hand.

He looked so peaceful and cute sleeping, you didn't want to disturb him. You tiptoed over and carefully took his glasses off of his face and placed them down and then proceeded to cover him in a blanket. You walked away to let him sleep but the tight grip on your hand pulling you onto the sofa was stopping you.

You laughed trying not to be so loud. "Sorry I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful"

"Shhh, come and lay down" His voice was low and husky.

Tom pulled you down onto the sofa and wrapped his arms around your shoulders , he then placed the blanket over the both of you. Tom didn't even speak he just closed his eyes again and went back to sleep, he must of been tired as he rarely naps during the day, but you weren't complaining a nap and hugs from Tom was a win win situation.
You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and placed it on silence so you had no distractions, you the followed in Tom's footsteps and allowed yourself to fall asleep.


Another couple of hours past when you were awoken by Tom showering you with gentle soft kisses all the way from your forehead to your shoulders, you didn't wake up at first due to the fact you were a heavy sleeper but after about 10 kisses you woke up and giggled to yourself.

"Alright you can stop now, I'm awake" You tilted your head back to met Tom's eyes.

He was mid kiss when you woke, "Just one more" He placed the last kiss on your shoulder. "All done" He smiled to himself, proud of what he accomplished.

You turned your face away to hide the fact that you were blushing however Tom stopped you.

"Don't turn away, please" He was sincere.

He cupped your cheek and moved your face back towards him as his other hand pushed away the strands of hair on your face.

"Sorry I'm just so use to Brett getting annoyed by it" You admitted.

"He would get annoyed by you blushing?" Tom sounded confused.

"Yeah, he use to call me stupid because I couldn't handle a compliment or a romantic gesture" You tried your best to laugh it off.

"Well I think it's adorable darling" He reassured you. "Now what did you want to talk to be about earlier before our nap?"

You stayed silent for a minute as you forgot what you were going to say to him but then you remembered. "Oh my divorce papers. I'm collecting them tomorrow and giving them to Brett as well as moving out all of my stuff"

"Are you serious?!" Tom sat up straight.

You laughed. "Yes very, we can finally be together. No affair"

"Oh Y/N this is amazing!" Tom hugged you. The warmth of his embrace making you feel safe inside his arms.

Tom released you from the hug. "I'll come with you tomorrow of course, help you with all your stuff"

"Is that really a good idea?" You questioned.

"No not really, but what can you do?"

"I can go by myself it's fine. Might as well get one last argument in with him, so having you present probably isn't the best" You laughed a little.

"Argue in front of me I don't care, I'll be in your corner every step of the way"

"Every step of the way?" You didn't really believe him.

"Every step of the way" He repeated himself.

"Alright you can come, but I want to apologise in advance for the language you will hear"

"I'm sure it will be absolutely fine don't worry about it"

For the rest of the night you and Tom cuddled up on the sofa eating some birthday cake whilst watching the newest episode of WandaVison.

Due to your late afternoon nap you and Tom didn't go upstairs until around 11'o'clock and even then you both sat in bed reading your own books and listening to some classical music till around 1'o'clock,. Your head dropped and book fell from your hands and you fell asleep. Tom removed your glasses and put them on your night stand and then proceeded to do the same with his glasses and book, you wasn't fully asleep yet so when Tom moved to but his book down you moved positions so you were closer to him as you slept. Tom wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in closer too his chest as you both fell asleep for the night.

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