Chapter 13

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"Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" You asked once again.

Tom ignored you and focused on driving instead, you were trying to stay positive about tonight but inside you were a mess, you ended your marriage on your own birthday some present that is.

You wasn't upset it was over you were more upset over the fact that Brett was thinking about hitting you, luckily he didn't but it hurt to think he would actually do something like that. Although you were sad you were happy you were spending your birthday with Tom and that being with him also meant no more sneaking around, albeit you felt sorry for him you have no place to go and Tom is the only person you know in town and you felt awful crashing into his life like you were.

Distracted by your own thoughts you didn't even noticed that you had arrived.

"The Ritz? Tom this is far to much, you've spoiled me enough today" You blushed.

"Y/N please, you deserve it"

"Thank you" You grinned from ear to ear as you went in for a kiss. "Sorry I know we shouldn't" You apologised.

Tom laughed slightly, "It's fine, if we get found out we get found out" Tom opened the restaurant door for you.

"After you" He let you walk in first.

"Ahhh Mr Hiddleston! Your table is ready for you, if you would like to follow me" One of the waiters spoke to him and assisted you to your table.

The waiter took your coat and hung it up and Tom pulled your seat out for you and pushed you into the table.

"And they say chivalry is dead" You laughed at the kindness Tom showed you.

Now sitting down at the table with your menu's you were deciding what to eat and by the looks of things Tom was ready to order he was just waiting on you and your indecisiveness to choose what to eat.

You gasped. "They have duck! My favourite" You spoke as you continued to read the menu.

Tom closed his menu and called the waiter over which put more pressure on you to hurry up and pick your meal.

"We'll have the duck please to share and your finest blue raspberry vodka" The waiter gave Tom a strange look as he wrote down your order.

"Certainly Sir" He walked away looking very confused.

Did Tom really just order your favourite food and ask for the finest vodka on the menu? You laughed to yourself not even your own husband has done that before and now that your with Tom you could certainly get use to it.

"Something funny my love?" He wondered why you were laughing.

"Well you just ordered duck and asked for their finest blue raspberry vodka, it's a little bit funny, they must think we're crazy drinking vodka whilst eating duck!"

"Well it's your birthday after all, you can do whatever you want!" He replied.

"Yes but not this much, it's very overwhelming" You smiled.

"Well I'm sorry if I've made you feel that way" Tom apologised instantly making you feel like the worst person ever.

"No, no, no, no, I love it... all of it" You reassured him.

Tom's face lit up once more. "I never expected all of this for my 30th birthday that's all"

"You only turn 30 once, you might as well make it rememberable"

Your waiter had returned with your vodka and poured it into your glasses. You and Tom raised them both.

"With you Tom it's always rememberable" You spoke as you glasses clinked together.

For the rest of the night you laughed and spoke whilst enjoying your food and drink, which was delicious.
Lucky for you Tom didn't tell anyone it was your birthday so you didn't have to deal with anyone singing, but he did let you share his chocolate cake after he realised you hated the cheesecake you ordered. Tom even payed for your whole meal! Of course you offered but he refused as he would put it...

"You deserved to be spoiled on your birthday"

Once you finished at the restaurant you and Tom both decided to call it a night and head back home to spend the rest of your birthday watching TV and eating ice cream, but you secretly hoped Tom had something a little more exciting planned.

Driving in the car on the way home was amazing, just you and Tom driving with the roof down, music blaring as you drove down the roads of London in the night, it wasn't much in the grand scheme of things but it was the little things like that, that made you love Tom even more.

It was around 10:30 when you got to Tom's and you immediately wanted to go and change into one of his shirts as the dress you were wearing was beginning to become uncomfortable especially after all that food you ate.

Tom walked you up to his door and unlocked it for you.

"Go right in, I just need to fetch something from the car" He kissed you on the cheek before he walked away.

Walking into Tom's house for the first time in months felt like nothing had changed, you quickly flung your heels off to the corner of the room and hung your jacket on the banister, you even began to unzip your dress.

Making your way upstairs Tom finally came back in from the car and locked the front door joining you in your walk up the stairs.

"Come on my room is this way" He ran past you.

"I know where your room is Hiddleston! My feet are hurting that's all"

"Awww someone's getting old" He joked.

"Which one of us is the 37 year old sleeping with a 30 year old" You joked back, but you can tell Tom was hurt by the fact you said sleeping with and not dating.

"Sorry I meant dating" You corrected yourself.

"Oh so we are dating?" He didn't sound so sure.

"Well I told Brett I want a divorce and gathered by the 20 missed calls he hasn't got the hang of that yet, I have no where to live so I'm living with you, you've made me feel like a princess on my birthday even though I've felt like shit all day and... and... I love you" You blurted out.

"Shit" You muttered under your breath as a wave of anxiety hit you and a swarm of butterflies formed in your stomach, that last part really was a slip of the tongue you didn't mean to confess your love so soon, what if he didn't feel the same what if he only wanted someone to hook up with, what if...

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