Chapter 10

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It's been 3 months since you last slept with Tom and you haven't spoken about it since, perhaps Tom realised you weren't what he wanted and decided to leave it as a one night stand. Nevertheless everything else between you was fine, work was going well even you and Brett were doing ok, you haven't had a big fight since he kicked you out, but even though you haven't fought in a while you still wanted a divorce.

Every now and again you and Tom would exchange glances or stare at each other for a bit too long after a conversation which gave you some hope he wanted to be with you but you really had no idea, you was just going to wait for him to make the next move but it's been 3 months and he still hasn't, you were beginning to think of doing something yourself to see what the outcome would be

Although you and Brett were trying to make this marriage work you wasn't helping anything, you constantly bring up the fact that you want a divorce and how he never answered your question about Rachel from accounting, you also sleep in separate rooms to avoid confrontation with him in the early mornings and finally all the long hours you have been working had began to make Brett paranoid that something was going on between you and Tom again.

Everything else aside, it was your birthday tomorrow and you were excited to celebrate! You were thinking about what cupcake Brett was going to put on your dresser so you could eat it when you woke up and you wondered what plans you were going to have for the night, you were overwhelmed with excitement as after all turning 30 is something you only get to do once, sadly though you had work in the morning so you had to go to bed at a reasonable time but there was no complaining as you get to spend the day with Tom instead of that lousy husband of yours. Speaking of lousy husband since it's your birthday in the morning you thought you'd give Brett the benefit of the doubt a share a bed with him so he could see your face when you wake up to the cupcake and the small gifts he gets you.

"What time have you got work in the morning?" Brett asked as you were getting undressed.

"Got to leave around 5 so I'll be up around 4:30" You told him.

"Does Tom ever give you a break?" He joked.

"He does sometimes but I love my job so I'm not complaining" Brett looked at you with his piercing eyes almost as if he was annoyed.

"Don't look at me like that! I just like my job that's all" You became defensive.

"Well you better get some sleep you don't want to be tired for tomorrow, goodnight" He kissed you but you swerved giving him your cheek instead.

"Nope, I do not. Goodnight"

*The next morning*

Your alarm went off and you jumped out of bed ready to celebrate your day, but when you looked around there was nothing there, no cupcake, no card, no flowers, gifts or balloons not even a banner had Brett forgotten your 30th birthday?

Clearly he did and now your day was ruined. "Thanks Brett" You muttered under your breath as you stormed out the room to get dressed ready for work.

Since it was your birthday you decided to put a little more effort than you usually do and went for a little black dress with some black heels.

You also did your make-up which surprisingly was a bit more than just mascara, you also decide to go with some blush, eyeshadow and lip gloss, your hair was left in its natural state and once you were all done you headed downstairs

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You also did your make-up which surprisingly was a bit more than just mascara, you also decide to go with some blush, eyeshadow and lip gloss, your hair was left in its natural state and once you were all done you headed downstairs.

You hoped maybe you would find some decorations downstairs but nope still nothing, you wasn't going to get mad at Brett yet though as you still had time to see if he had forgotten. Removing the thought of Brett from your brain, you made your way to work.


Arriving in the elevator and heading straight to your desk you were greeted by Susie with flowers and a bottle of champagne.

"Happy 30th girl!" She gave you a hug.

"Thank you Susie, you really didn't have to." You were happy at least someone remembered.

Before you walked off Susie stopped you, "Just a warning, I think Tom has something planned for you" You blushed at the thought of Tom doing something for your birthday.

"Y/N you really need to divorce Brett and get with Tom already, I've seen the secret kisses every now and again and you look so happy!" Cleary you and Tom weren't as careful in the office as you thought.

"Haha thanks Susie" You walked away embarrassed.

Hands now occupied with your bag and your presents you struggled to open the door but eventually you got it open. At first you couldn't see anything as Susie's flowers covered your face but you could feel Tom's presence in the room.

You walked over to your desk and placed everything down. "Happy birthday darling" Tom spoke as he wrapped his arms around you kissed you on the cheek.

"Oh Tom you really shouldn't had!" To your surprise he decorated your desk surrounded by banners and balloons.

"Don't forget this" He handed you a box all neatly wrapped.

You sat down completely overwhelmed by Tom's kind gesture and immediately opened the box, which was covered in tissue paper and underneath lied your present.

"Tom! No way, this... this is... I love it"

It was the readers edition of your favourite book in hard back, the detailing in the cover was beautiful and the oldness of the book gave it such a beautiful feeling, you were looking to buy the collectors edition for ages but you couldn't find one you liked but this, this one was perfect.

Tom smiled. "I also got you this but you don't have to wear it if you don't want to" He handed you another box this time black and velvet, it looked like a jewellery box.

Your eyes winded as you opened the box and you gasp. "Tom I can't except this!"

"No please it's your birthday after all" He took the most gorgeous diamond necklace out of the box and placed it around your neck.

"Tom I don't know what to say" You just stood there and looked into those gorgeous blue eyes. "Thank you" You told him as you leaned in to kiss him.

That was the first time you kissed him in 3 months and nothing felt any different you were just thankful for moments like these with him, he pulled away from the kiss.

"Y/N, I've been thinking..."

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