Chapter 5

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Tom pulls up to his house at around 3am, since you were still asleep he decided to do the only sensible thing and carry you to bed. Although you've been to Tom's house multiple times you've never actually slept round surprisingly, even when you had a thing going on you never slept round.

Once Tom struggled to close the door with you in his arms he proceeded to walk upstairs into his room and place you down on the bed, he then respectfully took your clothes off and dressed you in his shirt as he was pretty sure a lace body suit and trousers would be uncomfortable to sleep in, he then placed the blanket over you.

The next thing Tom did was rather sneaky of him and you would be none the wiser of it until you awoke the next day, he took your phone out of your bag and rang Brett, even though you told him not to wait up you knew he would and Tom knew that too so he rang him.

"Oh so you're the one ringing me now!" Brett snapped at who he thought was you on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Brett, it's Tom" He could almost hear the sigh that Brett made through the phone.

"Yes mate what can I do for you and why do you have my wife's phone?"

'Not that your much of a husband to call her your wife' Tom thought to himself. "Well Y/N told you we had a meeting tonight and she may of had one to many wines" He lied about your drink choice. "And she is now black out drunk, so I've driven her to my house and placed her in my spare room" He lied once again.

"Oh right" Brett didn't sound to convinced.

"I thought I'd ring you to let you know she is alright, I know she hasn't been on her phone much today"

"Alright thanks for letting me know Tom, cya" Brett was very blunt and couldn't put the phone down quick enough.

Tom shut off your phone and he began to get undressed so he to could get some sleep but in the spare room as he didn't want to disturb you. He chucked all his clothes in his washing basket now wearing nothing but his joggers, walking towards the door he turned the light off and made his way to the spare room.

"No stay" You woke before he left the room. "Please" You pleaded.

You didn't know whether it was because you were drunk or because you wanted to share a bed with Tom something in you just didn't want him to leave.

"Alright fine, I won't go" Tom sounded quiet glad that you invite him to stay.

He used the flashlight on his phone to guide himself back to his bed and then he climbed into bed with you. He didn't lay to close to you as he didn't want to make things too uncomfortable but you've kissed him 3 times in the past 2 years so you thought what the heck.

You rolled over to Tom and rested your head on his chest also allowing your leg to drape over his pelvis, Tom took that as an invite to wrap his arm around you.

"Tom?" You asked halved unconscious.

"Yes dear"

"You didn't... look at my boobs when you ever so kindly got me undressed" You joked around with him.

"No I didn't" He spoke truthfully.

"Oh, that's a shame"

"Just be quiet and go to sleep Y/N" He was getting annoyed with you drunkenness.

"Alright" You were beginning to get quiet drowsy now anyways so you could fall asleep any second and soon enough both you and Tom were out like a light, you only hoped you didn't wake up with a raging hang over and then have Brett to deal with in the morning.

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