Chapter 2 *ten years later*

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Nialls nineteen but acts 4 months. He does ageplay also. You'll understand later.
Niall sleeps soundly in a dirty onsie, sucking on his dummy while cuddling a teddy bear with one leg. A strong wind blows and he hears something fall on the pavement behind him, he whimpers.

????? POV

I was late to work, speed walking to Starbucks tugging my coat closer. I a just the backpack behind me. I shuffle through my papers trying to find the note to my boss. When I find the binder a heavy wind blew it out of my hand.

"Oh darn it." I mumble fixing my glasses then chasing it into an ally. Finally it stops blowing and lands by the dumpsters. I sigh and run to get it, but stop when I hear small whimpers. I freeze. I hear another whimper. I follow them to behind the dumpster. I gasp. A boy about my age lays there whimpering. He had blonde hair with brown roots with a onsie on and a dummy in his mouth, cuddling a teddy bear. I get out my phone.

What do you need Toni?

Zayn I need you to come to the ally about two blocks away from my job in the direction of the park.

Okay sis but um...why?

I'll explain when you get here. Oh and preheat your seats and grab lots of blankets and oh do we still have cousin Lux's bottles?

Yes, why?

Okay bring five bottles filled with warm milk.

Toni what's going on?

You'll see when you get here I love you.

Okay love you too sis.

I hang up and step closer to the whimpering and shivering boy. I look at him, noticing he's frail. I frown but lightly shake him awake. He whimpers and scoots away once he sees me. His eyes are a beautiful blue.

I get closer and hold him to my chest.

"Shh shh shh its okay its okay I won't hurt you. I just want to help. Its okay I promise I won't hurt you." I whisper as I use one hand to hold the back of his head to my shoulder lightly and the other rubbing his back. He relaxes in my arms and cuddles closer. I can hear a horn beeping. I stand up and put the boy on my hip and start walking towards zayns car. Zayn shows a look of confusion, but I ignore it and open the back door, laying the boy down on zayns seat on top of the blankets. I swaddel him in three thin blankets then move him in a laying position where I can easily feed him.

"Oh wait!" I exclaim running back into the ally and grabbing the boys teddy and dummy. I take a water bottle out of my bookbag and clean the dummy off. I run back and get in the car shutting the door, then taking the swaddled boy and holding him like a baby in my arms.

"Zayn hand me a bottle please." Zayn hands me the bottle keeping his eyes on the road. I take the bottle and put the nipple against the boys mouth. He took it in his mouth and drank like no tomorrow, closing his eyes.

"So explain all of this?" Zayns asks glancing at me.

"Okay well I was on my way to work and one of my binders blew away into the ally and when I went to grab it I heard whimpers and say this boy shivering and whimpering so I called you and decided to help him." I say taking a deep breath afterwords.

"Toni your leaving for college half way around the world tomorrow. Who's going to take care of him?" I sigh. He's right, but I couldn't leave this little guy alone.

"Bot bot." I hear an Irish accent say. I look down to see the boy trying to reach for another bottle. I realize that he finished the first one. I grab the second bottle and put it into his mouth that was already open and waiting.

"C-can you take him in?" I ask zayn quietly. He signs.

"One month. If I can't take care of him or if I don't like him then he leaves. If I can then I will keep him." I sqeal.

"Thank you zayn!"

He pulls up to my flat. I lay the boy down on the seat and kiss his forehead. "Bye bye baby boy." I whisper before shutting the door and saying goodbye to zayn and going inside.

Third persons POV

Zayn gets out of the car and goes to where Niall was sleeping in the back and picks the very light boy up, and carries him into his flat. Zayn notices a shiny locket hanging around Nialls neck. Zayn opens it. A picture of Niall as a baby and a information paper.

Name: Niall Horan

Age: 19

Symptoms: peter pan syndrome, hybrid

Likes: ageplay, boys,

Dislikes: haters

'Okay then' zayn thought. Zayn looks at the blond boy again and kisses his cheek.

Zayns POV

I make sure Niall is asleep before grabbing my computer. I run back down and sit on the couch by Nialls feet and get online.

Google:ageplay store

I look through all these baby items that are bigger then the normal size for grown men and women and teens.

Let's just say I spent about $200 on Niall.

*two days later*

All Niall does is eat sleep and poop. Oh and cries. I love holding him though. Niall is in my bed sleeping right now so I sneak off into the guest room that has everything that was delivered today and got started.

Not much but we're getting there.

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