Life On The I-Island Mini Part 5

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Narrator's Pov
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Yotsuba: *Sits Down In A Chair* Alright, *Grips Mouse* where're we landing guys?

Tatsuya: Honestly we should go Pochinki.

Ikki: No no no, Rust Bay!

Shuu: How about Bimasakti Strip?

Akali: Promenade West is better!

Akane: Twin Towers! Twin Towers!

Everyone: . . . . . .What?

Yotsuba: You all are saying locations from different games!

Izuku's Microphone: *Loud Noise*

Yotsuba: *Recognizes The Sound* Izuku! What game are you on?

Izuku: Oh hell yeah!

Yotsuba: You're on Genshin aren't  you!?

Tatsuya: Hahahaha!

Akali: Yo Yotsuba! Calm down!

Ikki: I hope he doesn't get a Five-Star.

Akane: Yeah, he just started, there's no way he'd-

Izuku: I just got a Five-Star!

Shuu: No way, please be Qiqi!

Akali: Who is it!? Who is it!?

Akane: If he gets Eula- I swear.

Izuku: I got Diluc.

Everyone: Oh. . .

Izuku: And Eula!

Everyone: WHAT!?

Yotsuba: I have to see this for my own eyes.

Everyone But Izuku: Same.

Everyone got up from their seats and ran to Izuku's room.

Yotsuba turned corner after corner, straight to his room and was met with everyone standing outside Izuku's door.

Yotsuba: What's going on?

Tatsuya: *Grunting* I can't get this door open!

Shuu: Let me teleport in, he should know how to open it.

Everyone made space for Shuu to teleport, but he just stood there.

Shuu: . . . .

Akane: Um. . . . Bro?

Shuu: What? *Looks At Hand* H-how is this possib-

Izuku: *Opens Door* Hey guys! Sorry, I modified the door a bit, come on in!

Everyone walked in, surprised to see a clean room and many weapons hung up on the wall.

Shuu stayed at the doorway, looking at it, and remembering what had just happened.

Shuu: 'My quirk, it. . .'

He decided to test it, he teleported next to Tatsuya and it worked.

Shuu: 'I was correct!'

Tatsuya: You sensed that too didn't you?

Shuu: Huh-?

Akali: WOW! You got Song Of Broken Pines too!?

Ikki: Not here.

Ikki and Tatsuya looked at Shuu discretely while Izuku showed off his account.

Manners Maketh Man (Rewriting.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat