Chapter 24: Exceeding Expectations

Start from the beginning

The local police had spent the better part of a decade trying to stop the flow of illegal goods, but for every vendor they arrested, two more would pop up selling the same thing. No matter how many requests for additional aid were submitted, the city never seemed to have the necessary funds available to spend on thoroughly cleaning out the district.

However, what most people didn't know was that the ghetto district was considered a necessary evil by those residing in the upper echelons of the Ministry of Defense. The district was a popular place for many criminal elements to gather, which made tracking and observing said criminal elements much easier for various high-level intelligence communities. The combination of an underfunded local police force and central location drew criminals to the district like bees to honey. So instead of searching the entire city high and low for one person, you just had to go to the ghetto district and wait for your target to eventually show up.

While the number of illegal activities in the red light district was high, the vast majority were not dangerous in any way. This made the district a popular place for pro-heroes to take their interns to hone their investigative skills.

However, it seemed that there was an active PLF cell in the area, and the data was showing a steady rise in the number of violent crimes. If the violence continued to rise the district would eventually need to be cleaned out by force, which would mean the loss of an important source of information on the criminal underworld.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Izuku put away his phone as Rumi entered the room wearing her hero outfit.

"So what are we doing?" She asked in a slightly irritated tone.

Not understanding why his partner was suddenly in a bad mood, Izuku spoke as checked to make sure his sidearm was locked and loaded. "Intel says that there are three individuals in the ghetto district that might be part of a PLF cell. My boss wants us to flush them out so our surveillance teams can track where they go. Easy job for us. All we have to do is walk around and maybe bust a few dealers."

Huffing in irritation, Rumi walked over to her apartment door and opened it. "Well why does it have to be us? Can't you just send some goon squad out to do it? Or what about sending some pro-hero interns out for experience?"

Stepping out into the hallway, Izuku waited for Rumi to lock her door then accompanied her to the elevator.

"Because we don't want them going into hiding." Izuku said matter-of-factly. "An MoD squad would send every petty criminal in the district running to hide, and interns are not as intimidating as a top-rated hero." Smirking, Izuku walked out of the elevator with his partner and walked to the nearby parking lot. "Just do what you normally do. Blow off some steam and scare the shit out of some dealers and thugs. Like I said, easy work."

Rumi grumbled under her breath as she got into the passenger seat of Izuku's sedan. "Fine, but in exchange I wanna go out for some lunch. Someplace with actual food, not just a fast food joint."

Deciding not to irritate his partner any further, Izuku smiled as he got into the driver's seat and started the car. "Deal. I know just the place."

The ride to the edge of the ghetto district took almost twenty minutes. Izuku and Rumi passed the time by arguing about what was the best All-Might movie, and by the time they arrived at their destination Rumi seemed to be in a better mood.

Getting out of the car, Izuku forced himself to not look at his partner as she did some quick stretches which showed off her toned body.

"Alright Izuku." Rumi said lightheartedly. "What are we gonna be looking for?"

Shrugging, Izuku locked his car and followed Rumi as she walked down a dirty alleyway. "Something small time. So either drugs or stolen goods. I am leaning towards stolen goods, since this area is chock full of fences and pawn shops."

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