Comforting Jin

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Hobi and Jin were rather nervous. For as much as people may say they do not pay attention to the smaller details, they really do. They may not be the best of the group in figuring out a lot of things, but they were also not stupid. They were not the quickest to the realizations like Jimin and Taehyung, they did not connect stranded dots as fast as Yoongi, and they were not as sciency as NamJoon, but they did still notice things. That was evidenced in the information that Hobi had given the Hyungs the yesterday night. Jimin and Taehyung clearly knew more fully what was going on, but they were at a loss, and Hobi did not really want to stage some sort of intervention when they were not entirely sure what exactly was going on with the youngest. He could not just ask Jimin or Taehyung either. The two would not answer, they all already know that.

However, worry was justified, as Taehyung had dragged Jungkook and Jimin into the only bedroom and have not yet to return. It had been a good half an hour now. They were getting worried. He knew that Taehyung and Jimin were both very kind, gentle, and compassionate souls, and from what it looked like, Jungkook had really hit it off with Taehyung. The two seemed close as they could be having only been around each other for less than forty eight hours. It was comforting, somewhat, but Jin and Hobi also found themselves somewhat jealous that Taehyung had so easily managed to insert himself comfortably around Jungkook.

It was not definite, of course, Jungkook still was slightly wary, but compared to what he was like around the rest of them? It paled in comparison. They wondered what it was that Jungkook was hiding, wondered if it truly was so big of a deal that, having figured it out undoubtedly, Jungkook was instantly more comfortable with Taehyung and Jimin over the rest of them. Everyone had their secrets, right? They all had their own past, and it was not always the brightest of the bunch. They had all done things, had things done to them...that they did not want others to know, which was hard in an environment like this. Yet, what was so bad that Jungkook was so tense around them?

They were going to be working together. Jin and Hobi were trying to accommodate, and while they were definitely relieved that the first impressions that they had given Jungkook had not totally tainted the potential for their friendship, or at the very minimum decent colleagues, they could not help but want to be friends with the youngest boy. Something which so far, only Taehyung and Jimin had been granted allowance, it would seem. Jin pouted, dropping into the couch that was in the small living room. He crossed his hands over his chest, annoyed and frustrated.

Annoyed that Taehyung and Jimin still had not left the room and that he did not really want to interrupt them from doing whatever it was that they were talking or doing or whatsoever, and frustrated that his relationship with Jungkook was still strained somewhat. It had gotten better, of course, but it was just...not at the level he had wished it to be. He wanted to be more...more...available, more comfortable, he wanted to be someone that Jungkook could confide in. It was annoying that he was not. Upsetting more than anything as well.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" Yoongi muttered under his breath, probably to Hobi or NamJoon, but Jin was not curious enough that he would look, no. He did not care.

"Probably just talking." Hobi responded.

"That is good," NamJoon cut in. "Jungkook has been tense since he got here, and stressed out to the max, it is not good for him. We have a stressful job upcoming after we get comfortable with each other, and I would really rather like him being able to confide in someone. Besides, they are closest to him in makes sense that he would take to them first."

The one thing that NamJoon failed to say was that they had also discovered whatever it was that Jungkook was hiding. That probably definitely helped with the whole comfort level. Jin sighed out, sad and upset with himself for not being able to figure something like that out. He was still clueless. He wanted to figure out what it was, wanted to be  able to reassure Jungkook that it did not mean anything to him. Who was he to judge someone else for the mistakes or the situations of their past? He would never do something like that.

"Jin, you okay?" Yoongi asked, eyes cutting to him. Jin looked away, not wanting to answer. NamJoon rolled his eyes, not that Jin saw it.

"Jin Hyung, look, I know that you are upset about the fact that the maknaes drifted together so fast, but think about it. They are so close in age, and of everyone we know they figured out what happened with Jungkook. If anything we should be glad, because now they are able to try and get Jungkook to breathe a bit and become more relaxed with us."

"I don't want someone to intervene," Jin mumbled annoyed. "I want to be able to figure this thing out myself. I know that I don't specialize in the areas that Jimin and Taehyung do, but even still." Hobi sighed, moving to sit next to Jin, bumping him with his shoulder.

"Hey," Jin huffed at Hobi's antics but still turned to look at him. "Look, just because you can't figure it out as quickly as Taehyung or Jimin, doesn't mean that you won't ever be able to. Think about it. None of us have figured it out either. It happens, but eventually, you will come to the same realizations, it just may take a bit longer. There is nothing to worry about just because you are not able to figure out why Jungkook is the way he is now. Taehyung and Jimin just notice things quicker. They pull the dots together quickly. We will get there, all of us, eventually. Things take time. It isn't fair to you or to anyone else to compare." Jin sighed.

"I know," Jin began but hobi cut him off before he could continue.

"Good, then you know that we need to drag the young ones out so that we can watch a movie."

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