That Makes The Two Of Us

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"You left the benefits part out then." Brett told me and I looked up at him letting out a sigh.

"Thanks for being here." I said and he nodded as he reached down my height pecking my lips.

"You wanna go get cleaned up?"

"Yeah, or else people are gonna think Halloween came early this time around."

"You know I thought I was supposed to help you sleep. Not the other way round."

"I can't sleep." I told Brett and I sat up flicking the switch on my lamp. I had been up for about two hours thinking as Brett fell asleep.

"You know you can talk to me." Brett said and I nodded sighing. "Who else am I supposed to talk to."

"Open up to me idiot." Brett said sitting up rubbing his eyes snuggling up close to me.

"I just don't want anyone I love getting hurt. I can't take it anymore." Everytime I spill my problems I feel like I'm attention seeking. And I'm not giving people a chance to speak. That's one of the reasons I hate opening up.

That and I hate looking weak.

"I know. But hey your one hell of a strong person, if anyone can fight through anything, it's you." Brett comforted me as he placed his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to his chest.

"Hey what are we?" Brett asked and j gronaed to the sound of that question. "Seriously, you had to ruin the mood."

"Come on, I'm serious Max. You and me both know we're way more than just sex."

He's not wrong, I feel so comfortable around him, he listens, he's always there for me.

"Don't tell me you've decided to fall for me to?" I moaned annoyed and I had to hide that I enjoyed his company. But I loved when we were together.

"Me fall for you? Yeah nice try." Brett scoffed and I just rolled my eyes at him. "But we both know this is gonna lead to somewhere."

I just stayed silent. Im gonna let myself think about this one for a moment.

Okay I've thought about. Yeah I'm a quick thinker.

"How about, for now until I'm eighteen we let this carry on. I'll let this go on more than sex, but I want to take my time. The last time-"

"Hey, you don't have to talk about the last time. I know how much it hurts you when you talk about him." Brett said and he kissed the top of my head lacing his hands with mine.

"We can go further, but slowly. And when I'm eighteen, we go our separate ways, and when you finally reach your teenage years even though you look like your twenty, we'll see how we're doing."

I think it's perfect. Take it slow then figure ourselves out. This might actually be okay.

"Sounds good. So does this mean-"

"No labels, taking it slow." I told him and he nodded before placing his lips ontop of mine.

"Now should we actually get some sleep before I have to fight godzilla in the morning because I interrupted her sleep."

Godzilla, seriously?

"I don't think you should be in school."

"And I don't care Raken." I told him noting down what Ms.Finch was talking about.

"If 99.9% of our DNA sequence is the same as other humans, what could account for the missing 0.1% difference? Theo?"

Trusting The Trouble➳ Scott McCall {3}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang