"Thank you. My personal bodyguard." She teased jokingly, pressing a kiss to his lips before pulling away, their foreheads resting against each other.

"Are you okay?" He dropped the crossbow completely, placing both arms around her waist. "How long till they stop coming after you?"

She chucked softly, amused at his optimism with a solemn hint in her pitch. "I don't think they'll ever stop."

A delicate fingertip traced mindless circles across her waist band, a faint smile caressing her features as the pair stood silently, relishing in the moment.

"It's a full moon tonight." Bella broke the silence, turning her head to look up to the boy, his chestnut iris' staring back at her. "The Argent's will probably be out for blood."

Stiles breathed out, visibly battling something in his head.

"You're worried about Scott, aren't you?"

"A little. I'm still working on the case for my dad too. I just- I really want him to get his job back. Y'know? I'm the reason he got fired, kinda owe it to him." Arabella nodded in response, pulling away as she began to pack up some of the weapons. "And Allison's dad's kinda..I don't know, terrifying?"

Ari let out a short laugh at his final conclusion. "Then why don't we test your combat one last time before we go? No powers, no advanced strength, just show me what you would do."

"Oh it's on." He spoke, raising his fists to guard his face as the Mikaelson did the same, trying to fight back a smile at his concentration face. Though seemingly out of his comfort zone, he was incredibly competitive.

"You say that as if you'd win if I actually fought back."

She threw the first punch, aiming towards his head as he successfully dodged. A second came flying his way, connecting with his abdomen, though it didn't carry her full force, being cautious of injuring him. He began to fight back, yet she dodged each throw.

"Look for a weak spot." She lectured, knowing the boy would be overpowered in most fights. "The only way you'll get the upper hand is if you catch your opponent out."

After a few back and fourths, he'd taken quite a few hits, Bella stopped paying as much attention. She threw her right fist, to which he caught, holding it in mid air. She threw her left, wanting to see what his reaction would be. His hand connected with the second fist, mirroring the action with each arm.

She smirked to herself, subtly proud he'd began catching on. Of course, if she was to try, she could take him down in an instant, but that sort of defeated the point of the excersise..

"What's the move from here?" She asked aloud, raising her leg to knee him harshly in the stomach.

He keeled over, taking the oppertunity to kick her left foot from beneath her. As Bella's knee buckled slightly, she was incredibly curious to watch his next move, deciding not to fight back for the moment.

With a jolt, her body twisted as her back collided with his chest, her arms pushed into the small of her back. Unexpectedly, he pulled the stake from her side pocket, pressing it horizontally against her throat with little pressure. All within a the blink of an eye.. "I'm getting pretty good at this."

Her eyes widened at the move, though more so at the fact Stiles Stilinski had just performed it. "Impressive." She admitted, looking down at the placement of his hand. "Until I do this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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