Part 4.

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Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie)

(ZaneChan505 and qwertuno and -RENN1E And SilentReadersMatter and joycethebooklover
and Mycurrentfandom)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)

Ivy's not the exactly the motherly type.

Yes, she cooked. Yes, she's capable of showing emotion (she'd still a fucking doll). Overall, Ivy's not the motherly type.

Except, she stands in front of Pipp now. Shielding then mouse from the incoming danger, instinct driving natural protection against villain.

Villains notice changes, observing hint after hint after hint. Becoming disturbingly aware enough that now their eyes travel to Pipp.

And not in a way Ivy liked.

"She's not yours." Ivy stepped foward, unconscionably snarling. "She's mine. My doll. Child."

The word slipped before she could cover up. The villains, ducking nobodies take notice. They struck immediate to take a hostage.

Ivy fucking snaps.

Screeching, she launched a knife into the chest of a leaper doll. The heart stopping momentarily to kick them to the ground.

Out cold.

Asserting dominance helped Ivy. The dolls freezing in place, natural instincts taking over causing them to look at an alpha.

Like she said, natural instincts.

"You ducking cowards." She doesn't swear for Pipp's sake. The kid's left more of an impact than she realised, something she'd sort out. "Cornering us, you know why I'm called Poison?"

Letting out a cold, humourless chuckle, Ivy's smile turned into a psychotic smirk. Pipp retreated back into the shadows.

Darkness protects the right ones.


The idiot's caused his own death.

"Cause I strike like a fucking snake."

The knife'd jabbed into his neck now. Ivy's happy hiss escaping like a reptile. Eyes glazing over in sick pleasure at the sight.

This guy's slowly dying.

He layed in the ground grapsing his sides. Poison spreading through his veins faster than anticipation could make Ivy wait.

Picking Pipp up, she walked out casually. One would mistaken her as normal. Pipp the mouse knows better, she knows Ivy.

"You okay, baby girl?"

Pipp's happy Ivy cares enough to worry. She hugs the woman wordlessly. The relationship may not be solid, but there's bridges that can still be crossed.

"I think, yeah."

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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