Chapter 1-Ava's 1st Birthday

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It had been a year since the terrible day, the day that brought the whole Reagan family to a stop. The day that both Danny and Jamie got shot but also the day that Linda went into premature labor with baby Ava?

The family were gathering at Henry and Frank's house, Danny had actually taken the day off. It was a day to remember what could have been and be grateful that everyone survived especially Ava?

Ava was learning to walk, she loved it no matter who was helping her and she loved it. She could talk it was only a few words but Danny loved hearing her?

Linda woke up to get everyone ready but she nodded that Jack and Sean weren't in their beds, she then checked on Ava and she wasn't in her crib. Linda woke up Danny. Linda and Danny walked downstairs. They sat on the stairs and watched as Jack and Sean walked around the living room with Ava?

Ava had Sean's finger in her left hand and Jack's finger in her right hand. Linda draped her arms around Danny's shoulders and watched their children. Ava was smiling and gigging which made Jack and Sean giggle that made Linda and Danny smile?

Ava started to whine which meant she had, had enough, Jack carefully picked up his baby sister and placed her gently on the couch next to her stuffed wolf. It was her favorite cuddly toy and before Jack knew it Ava had her wolf on her lap?

Ava smiled. Mama. The boys turned and saw their happy parents sitting on the stairs watching them. Hey mom, hey dad. Linda smiled and hugged them. Morning boys. Ava held her arms up for Danny. She was a big daddy's girl?

Danny picked her up. Morning birthday girl. Danny kissed her cheek. Linda smiled. I think she will enjoy today. They all sat in the kitchen Ava sat on Danny's lap with her wolf on her lap?

Linda made pancakes for everyone, Danny just happily held Ava on his lap and he never liked putting her down or giving her to anyone except Linda. Linda handed a bowl of grapes and banana slices to Danny. Ava was kind of fussy when it came to food but it was just a phase, the boys had been the same and now they would eat anything. Just like their father. Danny watched Ava look in the bowl then pick out a grape and place it into her mouth?

She always smiled and clapped her hands she thought it was some kind of magic trick. They just liked seeing her happy no matter how. Linda looked at Danny. Should we give them to her now or at your dad's place. Danny looked up at her. I think now cause they'll have stuff for her there?

They sat in the living room after cleaning up after the breakfast, Danny held Ava like always and the boys sat on the floor in front of her and Linda sat next to Danny?

Danny helped Ava unwrap her presents, she had four new story books. She liked listening to people read to her. They had also brought her a new coloring book and some crayons. Ava just giggled. Linda smiled. Happy birthday baby. Linda took a photo of the four of them. Then one with just the kids?

They started to get ready, Linda got Ava dressed in a purple dress with her fluffy boots. Linda put Ava's jacket on her which she didn't like. I know sweetie but when we get to grandpa's you can take it off. Ava's eyes got wide when she said grandpa, Ava giggled. Linda kissed her forehead. Yeah we are going to go see great grandpa, grandpa, auntie Erin, uncle Jamie and Nicky?

Ava just clapped her hands, she was always happiest when she was around everyone. They loaded up Danny's jeep and they set off. Um dad Ava doesn't have her wolf. Linda past it back to Jack who then gave it to Ava who was about to cry?

She seems happy again. Jack smiled they arrived at Henry and Frank's house. Everyone was already there. Linda carried Ava up the stairs but then she placed Ava on her feet. Danny opened the door. Hey guys. Everyone looked, Jack walked in with Sean and Ava. Ava was doing her morning trick again. She was walking while holding onto both of her brothers?

Erin smiled. Aww that's so cute. Linda placed Ava's bag on the table. We saw them doing it this morning. Ava saw Frank and started to giggle and she tried to go faster. Looks like someone wants their grandpa. Frank bent down and picked up his granddaughter?

Ava looked around at everyone. Danny held her wolf. I didn't know you liked soft toys Danny. Danny went to throw it at Jamie but then Ava started to whine. Jamie took it off Danny. Meanie. He handed it to Ava. Daddy's mean. Ava giggled?

Danny hit Jamie. Don't teach my daughter bad things. Linda looked at them. No fighting in front of my baby. Danny and Jamie looked at Linda. Yes mom. Everyone laughed?

Ava held her arms out for Nicky, Nicky carefully took Ava from Frank. Happy birthday Ava. Ava smiled. Nicky sat down and had Ava standing on her lap, Ava giggled. She had learnt a new trick. Okay it must be time for presents surely. Erin said bringing out a bag. Henry laughed. I second that?

The family started to celebrate Ava's 1st birthday and they were grateful that everyone had made it out alive. They just hoped that they always came home. Danny knew that when Ava was older, he would tell her about his mother and of course about her uncle Joe?

Ava took a nap on the couch while the rest of the family were outside, the guys were playing basketball. Linda was keeping an eye on Ava. Danny looked at his family he just hoped that he would always be there to save them and to pick them up whenever they fell?

Little did Danny know, he would soon be put to the test?

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