"More like it was an easy fix so I got to be in Republic City to see you." She said and Mako gasped while twirling around and grabbing her waist.

"Dawn!" He said happily, the girl laughing as he brought her down and she leaned up to kiss his lips, the small spark between them making it hurt slightly.

She pulled away and held his face. "Hi." She whispered and held onto him tightly.


As Mako and Dawn were together for the moment, Prince Wu came into view and Dawn sighed. "I should probably go, you have important stuff to do." She breathed out and Mako held her hand.

"Wait." He said, looking to Prince Wu and sighed.

"Well, who do we have- -" he paused when he saw her right eye and gasped loudly and hugged her.

"Protector Dawn! It's so good to finally meet you. Mako just won't shut up about you, but then again, you are his soulmate." He teased and the girl was frozen from his attack of love.

"Yeah... um, you can let go of me now." She told him, and he did as he was told and the girl chuckled. "It's also good to meet the soon to be Earth King. I've been trying to keep the bandit at bay for you and so far it's working. Kuvira and I are working really hard." She stated.

Mako caught on and raised an eyebrow. "You're working with Kuvira?" He asked and Dawn shrugged her shoulders.

"More like Bolin, but yeah. I've been taking the bandits that Kuvira finds." She told him.

"Oh, nice." He muttered and she held his hand.

"Is something wrong?" She asked and he shakes his head. "I'll see you at dinner then, okay." She told him, kissing him quickly on the lips and he sighed, watching her open her glider and flying off to Air Temple Island.

"You know, I don't see how she likes you. I feel like she's more of an Earth Kingdom kind of girl." Wu said and Mako glared at the Prince.

"She's my soulmate." He told him and Wu scoffs.

"I know, I know..." he breathed out and Mako sighed as he pulled him along.


As Dawn was in the house, she was greeted by everyone as they all welcomed her with open arms. "When Korra gets here, I bet she's not even gonna know who I am." Meelo said.

"Why is that?" Ikki asked her brother.

"Because Meelo the boy has turned into Meelo the man." Meelo said while trying to make muscles out of his noddle arms and puff out his face.

"Right, you're completely unrecognizable." Ikki told him as Dawn laughed.

"You're right kiddo, I didn't even know it was you." She teased and Tenzin chuckled with her.

As the ship was being pulled up, Dawn got up excitedly, only to stop when she didn't feel the connection she had with Korra.

She frowned and felt a hand on her shoulder and rub down to her back. "You okay?" Mako asked, Dawn shaking her head.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She lied through her teeth.

They went down to the docks and when Naga ran out, she tackled Dawn first who laughed as she licked her face. "Naga!" She yelled, rubbing her stomach as the dog panted happily.

Tonraq was the first to step out and Dawn went over to him. "Tonraq, it's good to have you back in the city, and everyone is excited to see the Avatar again." Tenzin said.

"What do you mean? Isn't Korra already here?" Tonraq asked and Dawn felt her heart drop.

"No, we thought she was coming with you." She told him, Tonraq frowning.

"Korra left the South Pole six months ago. She's written me letters. She said she was here in Republic City." Tonraq said and Dawn shakes her head.

"Tonraq, Korra isn't here. I would have known if she was." She told him and he sighed.

"Then where is she?" He asked and Dawn sighed.


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