Tati sat in her office looking through her email when she came across a conspicuous envelope addressed to her. She shook it for a while before deciding to open it. In it were pictures that scared her to death. They were pictures of her everywhere. She found a note inside that read:

I have my eyes everywhere. I see you even when you don't want to be seen. You will be mine soon and the whole world will know who I am. You and I were meant to be.

Tati was slowly beginning to realise she had a stalker. This was her third unknown letter but the only one that had pictures of her. She hadn't told anyone but she was quickly losing it with the letters that kept coming. She quickly returned the photos into the envelop and put it it in her purse. She sent her family members a group message to convene a meeting immediately. She was tired of the cat and mouse games already.

She was just standing up to get her coffee when she heard her secretary shout to someone not to get into her office. She loudly groaned when the door flew open and in walked in Bonifazio.

" What are you doing here? She asked with an attitude.

" I came to see you. You aren't picking my calls and I demand to talk to you this very minute," he shouted sitting.

" Wow, you got some dumb guts Bonifazio. You and I aren't an item remember. You walked out on me. Put it out there that I was an abusive girlfriend. Now play tell me Mr what specifically do you want from me.

" I said those things about you but if you had picked your calls, you would have known that I was trying to apologize to you. Couples fight all the time, but they forgive each other and move on.

" Couples? We aren't a couple you narsassitic son of a bitch. You and I are done. It's been months since you publicised to the whole country that I was abusive, mental and even my sexuality was to be questioned. As long as I know, you and I are dead to each other.

" I will not... Bonifazio began before Sacha walked into her office with a bouquet of flowers.

" Hey babe, am sorry am late. Are you ready to go? He asked ignoring the fact that Bonifazio was there glaring at him.

Tati who had been confused at first decided to play along when Sacha hugged her and whispered it was ok.

" Ohh, you are going to pay for making me wait you know," she replied playing along. But even as Sacha hugged her, he noticed how she was trembling.

" Hey, you can't just walk in here and hug my girlfriend like that. We are in the middle of a conversation here and it will do you good to wait until we are done. Now leave," Bonifazio demanded standing up. He didn't like the fact that Tati wasn't willing to take him back and yet she was lovey dovey with someone else already. As far as he was concerned she was his and he would make sure of that.

" Look man, am sorry but this is my girlfriend. You already left her by announcing it publicly. So as far as am concerned she is no one's girlfriend. Get your damn ass out of her office before I call the police for trespassing.

If someone could see smoke, then they could probably see it leaving Bonifazio's ears because he was fuming in anger. " Mark my words Tati, it's not over between us. I had you ones and I will have you again. You and I were meant to be. You can't hold my lapse of judgement over my head for the rest of our lives. Remember, you and I were meant to be. And I will get anyone out of my way just to be with you," he said the last statement looking at Sacha who just smiled sheepishly.

As soon as he walked out Tati quickly ran and closed her door. Still shaking she sat on the only couch in her office.

" For the first time I am scared of what will happen," she said breathing fast.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now