Chapter 7 - Dinner With Mr. Williams

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Kendyl and I slowly walked up to where everyone was. Keeley was facing our way with Chester. Chester smirked while Keeley gave me a glare. Kendyl squeezed my hand. I looked at her and she was glaring right back at her sister. Jason turned around with a smile on his face. He looked at Kendyl as we got up and looked at our hands linked. He then looked at me and his lips went into a flat line. Great. Jason's not happy that it's me.

"Hey daddy!" Kendyl said as she let go of my hand and hugged him. His smile returned for a short period.

"Hey baby girl." He said kissing her head and then looking at me. "Bo." He nodded.

"Jason." I stuck my hand out giving him a small smile. He shook my hand with a tight grip.

"Let's get inside. It's getting colder as the night goes on." His wife said.

"I already told them 6." Chester said. "So we have a table waiting." I looked at him and nodded while Jason turned away from me.

I was the last to walk in. I had my hand on Kendyl's back as we were walked to our table. It was a big round table with six seats. Jason sat first, then it was his wife, Keeley, Chester, Me, and last but defiantly not least Kendyl. I'm glad she didn't make me sit next to her father.

Jason started off with an order of white wine for everyone. I didn't say much because I was not a big wine fan. I liked whiskey but I was not going to order anything or drink more than what I should. This is a time I need to impress him. Not out drink him.

Everything was going good. The waiter came back and took all of our orders. We got salad as appetizers and most of us got steaks as our dinner. I put my napkin on my lap and took a sip of my wine while listening to Chester talking to Keeley and her step mom.

"So Bo, how's the album coming along?" Jason asked me.

"Really good. I'm really close to being done but next week my manager is trying to have me do a video for a song so we can release that, get people into my music, then the album will drop." I told him. He nodded.

"Following in Luke's footsteps huh?" He asked I nodded.

"Just a little though. I'm doing it earlier than he did." I looked at him. He was drilling me I know it. Typical father thing to do. I just have to turn on my charm which is going to be hard with Jason since he knew me since I was born.

"You're just like your father. Just a little more modest." I was going to say something when he looked at Kendyl and then back at me. "What are your intentions with my daughter?" He asked me staring me down.

"Daddy." Kendyl scolded him. I put my hand on hers on the table and she looked at me and I smiled.

"My intentions are to go slow with your daughter, Jason. I'm not rushing anything. My career is just starting and I don't want to mess that up. I also don't want to mess up and hurt your daughter. I really like your daughter and would hate to hurt her. She is a special woman and deserves to be treated like a princess." I told him. I then looked at Kendyl and she had a huge smile along with her blushing. She also had teary eyes. I rubbed her knuckles with my hand and looked back at Jason who sat back in his seat.

"One slip up Bryan, and I'll have your ass. If you're like your father I'll have no problems." He smiled. "I know you’re a good kid Bo but you're still young. All us men do stupid things when we are young. You'll understand when you have your own daughter." He said. "Does your father know?"

"Yes. She's been around them and they figured it out on their own." I chuckled. "It was mostly when we were looking for Tate." I told him.

"They found him today. Well Bo did." Kendyl said.

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