Chances Not Taken - Derek Hale/ Jordan Parrish (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I know. I know. Its just not a confidence builder." she grumbled, turning around to face him.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." he gave her a sad smile, pulling her by her waist in between his legs.

"Its ok." Y/n leaned down to kiss him, placing her hands on his shoulders.

"You know what I think is the coolest part?" Jordan hummed into her mouth into her mouth not wanting to pull away.


"The fact that with my super hearing I can hear the little ones heartbeat." he smiled at her with more adoration in his eyes than she thought was possible.

"Yeah, you and everyone else in the pack." she laughed

Parrish gave her a tight smile "you know as long as you remind them they won't tell him."

"I know, I just feel bad." Y/n sighed, looking down.

"You said you didn't want to tell him. Did you change your mind?" he asked, caressing her hair. Perish had made himself clear on it being her choice and he'd back her on whatever she chooses.

"After everything I don't want to be around him at all." Y/n groaned


Y/n sighed out in frustration. "But I feel bad. It is his baby, but I also don't want to tell him and have him reject the baby like he did me."

"I'm with you 100% on whatever you choose." Jordan stated with serious eyes. He knew that this design was weighing on her in a very hard way.

"I know you are. Thank you." she smiled. Y/n couldn't ask for a better person to have her back during all this than Parrish.

"Just think about it." he leaned up to kiss her forehead. Before grabbing her and pulling her up on the bed. Both of them laughing, with all their worries off their mind. If the least he could do is get her mind off of her worries then that's what he'd do.

^ ^ ^

Doing some grocery shopping felt good. Especially since you were already getting cravings so you could pick up the stuff now.

What was not feeling good was when a certain someone called out to her as she turned down another aisle.

"y/n?" Derek called out

"Derek." she looked over to who had called her name and sighed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, walking over to her.

"Its a grocery store, Derek. What do you think I'm doing here?" Y/n rolled her eyes but felt her heartbeat pick up as he got closer to her.

"Right." Derek nodded. It was a stupid question. But he did have another one to ask. "Can I ask you something else?"

"What is it?" Y/n shrugged, just wanting to get this over with.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked, flicking his gaze down to her stomach. She wasn't all that noticeable yet, but he could hear the heartbeat. Clear as day, two heartbeats. "I can hear an extra heartbeat coming from you. Are you pregnant?"

Y/n sighed, she hadn't if she was gonna tell him or not yet. Guess now she doesn't have a choice. "Yes."

Derek gulped at the revelation. "How far along are you?"

"Derek...." Y/n spoke almost in warning. Does he really want an answer?

"How far along, Y/n?" he cut her off asking again. Now standing straighter and looking her directly in the eyes.

"4 an half months." Y/n stated gently. Watching closely for his reaction.

"That means"

She nodded 'yes' "Yes. Its yours."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked after a moment of letting this news sink in.

"After the rejection I got for asking if we could be more than bed buddies? Yeah, no." Y/n laughed sarcastically. Turning her eyesight to him with a look that screamed 'are you serious?' She let out a sigh before continuing. "Look Derek. I thought about telling you and honestly I wanted to tell you. But I also didn't want to be rejected again, and I certainly didn't want the baby to be rejected as well."

Derek nodded, as much as it pissed him off that she didn't tell him sooner and how angry he is at himself for letting it come to where she felt like she couldn't tell him. Or that he wouldn't want the baby. "Y/n, I can explain."

"There's nothing left to say, Derek. You said what you needed to say months ago." Y/n scoffed. What else could he have to say after everything? He said enough that night.

Derek shook his head. "I didn't say all of it."

"Well I don't want to hear it. Not now at least. Not here." she shook her head. If they were to ever have this conversation its not gonna happen in public.

"When and where then? Cause I want to explain myself." he rushed out. Hoping to change her mind.

"Why now? Just because I'm pregnant with your baby?" Y/n raised her eyebrows asking him what she already knew.

"Y/n-" with sad eyes Derek spoke her name but she cut him off.

"No, no..... I'll think about it, OK?" That's all she could offer right now.

"Yeah, yeah ok." Derek nodded. If she was willing enough to even consider it he would take it.

"Ok. Bye." Y/n nodded, giving him a last farewell.

"Bye." Derek returned the sentiment.

Once the two parted ways Y/n went to find Parrish in the giant grocery store.

When she found him he could tell right away something happened. So he rushed over to her, pulling her into his embrace. "You ok?"

"Yes" she nodded with a none conceiving smile. "No." Y/n whispered, shaking her head 'no'. "I don't know." she shrugged in his embrace.

Parrish hugged her tighter, whispering calming words as he rubbed up and down her back. "Let's go home sweetheart."

With that they went to the checkout and left the store. It had been a very emotionally draining day. Y/n didn't know what she was gonna do now. But she needed to think long and hard about it. Before she makes a decision.

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