"Now, where were we."

I turn back to the wizard. "How did you find me?" I say meaniciling.
I think this night has been all sorts of depressing that somehow, the wizard dude can do magic.
Who would've guessed.
He looks at me bored. "You dont think a young girl attempting to commit suicide wouldnt get around the city news?. You're lucky that Spiderman came and saved you."
"Why are you here?" I ask vaguely. Drawing out my hand once again only this time my hands were surrounded by grey and purple sparks .
"Because you have abilities that I was unaware of, you somehow knew Vicky. And I'm curious as to why you were such a priority to her."
"How do you even know Vicky?, I-I thought she was taken as a hostage, she was gone. She was-...taken. It doesn't make sense that out of the blue when I'm about to die that she showed up, and a wizard tells me he knows her. She's 15, why would you know her, she's been at hydra for most of her life.'' I ramble on not taking any sign of breathing.

"I know Vicky because she came to me in hopes for answers, there are alot of things you are unaware of your friend Vicky. And about yourself." he says evenly.
"What do you even know about me-" I challenge him. My eyes were now glowing bright grey. Almost white.
"Your name is y/n y/l/n, you are a mix sociopath , your only sibling is your brother David, you are a trained assassin, brainwashed into doing your fathers will, you have a chip in your head that commands you to do things, along with controlling most of your emotions. Your best friend Vicky knows everything about you...Do you believe me now?" He returns confident, unthreatened by my sudden burst.
Im speechless, I cant believe Vicky told him. Why would she want to talk to him, she was captured, she...
"She wasn't captured, was she?" I ask, looking down.
"No, she needed answers. Fortunately she found them."
"And look where that got her!" I yell. "She's dead because she thought my life was worth living." I exclaim angrily.
"There are many things you don't know about yourself or Vicky. She wrote you a letter before she left. Didn't she?."
The note. She shoved a note in my pocket, that second the sparks went away along with my glowing eyes.
Shakily I push my hand into my jacket pocket and take out a folded piece of paper.
Nervous, I opened up the paper.
Intimidated I start to read the neatly written letter.
Dear Y/N,
If you are reading this, i'm assuming I didn't make it. Because of course I would tell you all this in person. But unfortunately that isn't the case. I really don't know how to start this letter without sounding confusing, but bare with me. I wasn't captured?. If that's what you want to call it. I needed a cover up. We always talked about me escaping hydra, and fortunately I succeeded, David of course knew, but we couldn't risk anyone else finding out so he never told anyone, as far as I know. If you're wondering why he hasnt come with me, I told him he needed to be here for you, and that I needed to find answers alone.. By answers, I mean about my family. I couldn't just believe that they died in a fire, I couldn't. So in hydra I started researching. I broke into the files of different people hoping to find something in my family. But there wasn't, instead there were files on different heros. There weren't that many, but I found a few. So when I went on missions I studied the heroes. They call themselves the Avengers. Along the way I met Doctor Stephan Strange. I call him a wizard, but he doesn't like to be called that, I find it funny though. Over the past few months of researching with him, we finally found out about my past. If you're wondering why he would help me, I'm not sure either. But he is not an avenger, he is a sorcerer and master of mystic arts. His job is protecting New York along with inter-dimensional threats. So don't worry, you cant trust him. I can proudly say he is a friend of mine. While finally finding answers on my parents I figured out that I'm not from earth, at least this version of earth. My version of earth was under attack and was burning into ruins, my parents loved me so much they trusted me in the hands of Hydra, they just didn't know who they were. It's all very confusing and I wished I knew more, but while I figured all of that out, there were many steps I had to take, so during the last step, I found out what your father was doing, y/n he is controlling you. You can't trust him, you are under a simulation. And if I succeeded you shouldn't be in one anymore. I really hope you are not in one. But if you are reading this you aren't in one. Doctor Strange will explain everything. Also he may or may not be upset with me, I didn't exactly explain how I was going to rescue you , I also didn't tell him where I was going. If you can, please tell him i'm sorry, and thank you, he has helped me so much and I wish things hadn't ended the way they did.. Y/n I hope you can forgive me, and you better because I didn't die for no reason. Doctor Strange will help you, I promise. Just please be nice. Or at least don't glare all the time. If anything, my last wishes are for you to trust him, and let him help you.
You'll thank me later. I'm also trying to write this as fast I can because I'm on my way to save your ass.
I love you, my stupid ass best friend who I woudlnt give up for anything.
Sincerely Vicky.

That was it, that was the end of the letter that my friend had written me.
Falling onto my knees I bawled, I could care less that the wizard was here.
My last friend's wishes were for me to trust the wizard. She did this to me, why couldn't she just have let me die, why did I have to read the letter. If I hadn't read it I could be gone already. But now I can't, I have to stay here. I have to deal with this Wizard. Because if I don't, I'm sure Vicky would be disappointed. And somehow I knew she knew. I'm done with hurting people.
"She said she was sorry, and that she was thankful." I whisper to him, wiping my tears.
"She was good, she was very fond of you. I don't think she would have done what she did if she didn't care for you."
"I know." I sighed. "So" I began. "I'm a sociopath?"
"More or less."
"Hm." I say. "That explains a lot." I let out.
His eyebrow cocks up.
I shake my head. "Don't ask."
Not wanting to push the subject, he gestures to me forward.
"Where are we going?" I ask bitterly.
"177A Bleecker Street, in manhattan."
"I'm going to act like I know where that is." I say stepping forward.
Waving his hand in circular motion forward, a spark out of orange and yellow lights started to appear, moving with his circular motion, moment later there was a different place in view.
"Woah!" I exclaim. "That's sick." I say looking behind it.
"Teleportation?" I ask him, amazed.
"After you" He gestures forward.
Looking between him and the portal of sorts, I take a hesitant step forward.
If i'm going to die, it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen.

Finally Posted !
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Only if you want to of course, no pressure.
This is purely for your enjoyment.
I love writing.

The Assassins Curse Peterparker x readerWhere stories live. Discover now