liv. turn of events

Start from the beginning

"NO," I cried, trying to stop the bleeding from Draco's blood-soaked body. "HARRY, WHAT DID YOU DO?"

Draco gasped, shaking uncontrollably in a pool of his own blood. I tried to cover the gashes, whispering "Episkey" trying to heal Draco.

"No — I didn't —"

"HELP HIM!" I cried harder as my healing charms weren't working. I felt as though there was a specific one but I couldn't remember it– none of the words in my mind made sense.

Moaning Myrtle reappeared, letting out a deafening scream: "MURDER! MURDER IN THE BATHROOM! MURDER!"

Draco continued to seize as I tried to help him. My sobs not allowing me to correctly cast as I watch Draco bleed to death. The door banged behind me, but I didn't look; too focused on trying to heal Draco, I was pulled away by strong hands.

"L-LET ME GO, I HAVE TO H-HELP H-HIM!" I thrashed in their arms.

Shoes appeared next to Draco, then the person kneeled, drawing their wand, tracing it over the deep wounds Harry's curse had made, muttering an incantation that sounded almost like a song. I looked up to see Snape and cried even harder. I pulled myself out of Harry's grip and crawled over to Draco who was slowly being healed; the blood slowly disappearing from his white shirt. I wiped the blood off of Draco's white face as Snape repeated his spell; the wounds knitting together.

Harry muttered apology after apology as Snape performed his countercurse for the third time. I gasped as Draco stopped shaking and moved towards me. Snape half-lifted Draco into a standing position as I stood up as well.

Finally looking up at Snape's face, he looked terrified and concerned.

"Charlie, are you alright?" Snape looked over me. I was covered in Draco's blood.

"I'm fine– Draco, is Draco—?" I hiccuped.

"He needs to go to the Hospital Wing," he told me. With Draco in his hands, he said lightly to him, "There may be a certain amount of scarring, but if you take dittany immediately we might avoid even that. Charlie, come with me to take Malfoy to Madam Pomfrey."

He supported Draco across the bathroom, turning at the door to say in a voice of cold fury, "And you, Potter... You wait here for me."

Snape held Draco upright as I scurried behind them, not looking back at Harry. Going down the hall, people muttered at the sight of us, covered in blood and soaking wet from the bathroom floor.

"What were you doing in the boys' bathroom?" Snape asked quietly.

"Harry, he- he said—" I shook my head. "We heard h-him and went i-inside."

"What happened?"

"T-they started f-fighting and I-I tried to s-s-stop them, b-b-but I got c-cursed—"

"What curse was Draco hit with?" Snape asked as we walked down the stairs.

On the main floor, there were more people who meant more wondering eyes and hushed voices.

"Yours," I finally looked up. I knew it was his, that made sense in my mind but the words didn't. I couldn't remember the curse.

As we neared the Hospital Wing doors, I quickly pushed open the door for Snape to walk in with Draco. There was no one in the wing, only Madam Pomfrey who gasped loudly and quickly ran over to help Snape with Draco.

"Charlie, you stay here with Draco," Snape instructed. "Are you hurt?" I shook my head. "I'll come back to check on you two." I nodded as he turned and left.

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