- See you soon boyfriend. – I said goodbye, without been able to hide the smile in my face.

- See you soon girlfriend.

Yeah, we became that kind of couple.

We basically spent the next couple of days before New Year's Eve doing the same things. We would all wake up and have breakfast together, go out and explore different places, restaurants, and local stores before going to a different beach every afternoon and practice our diving skills. 

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling had easily become my favorite outdoor activities.

At first, I honestly thought that I would be scared. Or that I would feel suffocated or something like that. And maybe I did. For a split of second, when my back hit the water for the first time. But then, when the initial panic passed, the adrenaline started to settle and I looked around me to see the calm of the blue water, I realized that the only thing that I could harm me at that moment were the thoughts in my own head.

And then I looked under me, finding Charlie a few feet under.

He is a show off through and through. That much I was certain. 

Charlie didn't have much practice with scuba diving, at least to my knowledge, but there he was, already swimming backwards. His belly was facing up, and he was looking at me. I swam in his direction, extending my hand so he could hold and pull me close. When we were side by side, Charlie signed to me, asking if I was okay and I nodded.

I noticed that after my panic attack, Charlie was doing his best to not treat me different, and I was grateful for that. If anything, he was trying to move my mind from the episode. And also build my self-confidence back up.

Somethings were easy to do, like jump off the boat. However, sometimes I think that he went a little over the limit.

- Charlie, I know you are all about the contact with nature, but I can't climb this! – I told him from our spot on the water.

- Why not? – he asked like it was not that big of a deal.

- Because it is a full wall of rocks, and I have never done anything like this. And I don't have any gear.

The group decided to take a boat out for the afternoon. Gaby found a perfect place for us to explore: it was just by the coast, the water was crystal clear – not that it was different anywhere else - , however, instead of beaches there were huge cliffs. 

At some point, there was a space between cliffs. A big corridor where people would jump from the boats to enter and explore.

That's where we are right now: Charlie is by my side, his snorkeling glasses hanging around his neck, as well as a waterproof case that had our phones inside. His hair is pulled back by a hair tight and he is shirtless. As you can imagine, Charlie is trying to convince me to climb the cliff with him.

- You can't be serious.

- Look, we don't have to go all the way up...

- Of course, we are not going all the way up!

- Okay, sassy. See that gap over there? – he said, pointing to a space on the rocks that was a few feet up. – We can climb until that point and sit for a little.

- And then climb down?

- I was thinking more about jumping back...

- Charlie!

- What? – he asked like I was crazy. I'm pretty sure that I was probably looking at him the same way. – Do you trust me? – Is that even a question anymore at this point?

Edge of Great - Charlie Gillespie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now