Right here, right now.

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New Year's Eve arrived quicker than any of us expected and with it the realization that our trip was going to end soon. Only in a few days the fantasy would end, and we would all have to go back to our realities. The problem is where those realities took place. With Charlie living between California and Canada and with me staying on Florida, the fear that our relationship wouldn't last when it had just barely started was begging to set in my mind.

On the morning of the 31st I woke up a little more active than I usually do. It was early, by the looks of it, the sun had just come up, but contrary to how I would usually be, I was already fully alert, so I decided to start my day already.

I climbed out of my bed and stretched a little, before standing up and walk to the bathroom. I did all my morning routine before walking to my suitcase. While tying up my hair I saw my pair of running sneakers hanging out of the bag and decided that it was a good idea to go for a small run to start the day. So, I went through my clothes to find a pair of working out shorts, sports bra, a tank top, and my socks.

I was out of shape, so it really was a quick run. Forty minutes one way and then more forty to come back by the beach. But it was so beautiful and peaceful to see the colors of the sky in the early morning mixing colors of the ocean on the horizon, that it made the run 100% worth it. 

When I was ready to go back, I decided to enter my room by the balcony that lead to the beach. I was turning the corner to start to walk on the sand when I stopped to admire the color of the water and the quiet, since no one seemed to have waken up yet. Well, almost everyone. After a few seconds of analyzing the water, I noticed someone swimming. It didn't take long for them to come to shore or for me to figure out who it was, even from this distance. He hadn't seen me, but from the tattoo on his arm and the way that his hair was hanging around his shoulder, I could tell that it was 100% Charlie coming out of the water.

Charlie walked towards his towel on the sand, a few feet away from the water. He started to dry his hair with it when I decided to approach him. Charlie still hadn't noticed me, so I took the opportunity to truly admire him. That his hair and face is beautiful is not a secret to anyone. The way he carries himself, so light and worry-free, always joking and seeing the bright side of everything is one of the things that I like the most about him.

Charlie turned towards the ocean, giving me the chance to admire the muscles of his bare back, shoulders, and arms. I couldn't find an ounce of fat in him. His upper body was pure muscle. Of course, I had an idea of that, but to be able to see it without any barriers of his clothes or anything else was something completely different. The thought and the image woke feelings in me, some that were foreign while others were very familiar. One of them being of protection. Or more specifically, the need of being protected. That raw instinct of wanting to feel safe. And knowing that Charlie could protect me not only emotionally – which to that point he had already proven time and time again that he could and would do it – but also, if it came to it, physically warmed me up inside.

With that thought in mind, I walked towards him. Without caring to the fact that he was still wet, I circled his waist with my arms, positioning my flat hands against his abs while kissing the space between his shoulder blades.

- Well, good morning to you too. – he said after looking to me over his shoulder.

- Good morning. – I whispered, touching his skin with my forehead.

- You were up early.

- Yeah. Something woke me up. – I confessed and Charlie moved me, so now we were face to face, but with me still in his arms.

- Something bad? – he asked, analyzing my expression.

- No. – I said, sincerely. – I honestly feel really good.

Edge of Great - Charlie Gillespie One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now