This Love

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The next three weeks were very chaotic. In between settling back in my routine, choosing my classes and adjusting to my new schedule, the only contact that I had with Charlie were "Good Morning" text messages and late-night facetiming calls every other day, but even those ended up with one of us falling asleep.

It was a Wednesday afternoon, and I was finishing loading the groceries to the back of the car when I received his call.

- Hey you.

- Hey handsome. – I said, closing the trunk and walking to the driver's seat.

- Am I bothering you?

- Never.

- In that case, I have a question for you.

- Now I'm intrigued.

- What are you doing this weekend?

- I'm probably going to stay in and read some textbooks. Why?

- What would you say if I asked you to come stay with me for a few days?

- I would say that I would love to, but I don't think I can do it.

- Because of your classes, right?

- Mostly, yes.

- 'Kay. Just hear me out. You are having online classes, right? – He asked and I confirmed. – So, you basically can watch them from anywhere you want. You bring your computer and I promise you, I won't bother you when you have to watch them. – Charlie said and I stayed silent for a minute, thinking about his offer. – If you leave tomorrow night, your next class would be only on Tuesday. – Yes, he already knows my schedule. – We would have the whole weekend to ourselves.

- Ok. Okay. I'll go.

- Yes! – Charlie celebrated and I laughed of his reaction. – That's great, because I already got the tickets for you!

- Charlie! – I said, not believing in his impulsiveness. – What would you have done if I had said no?

- Honestly? I just knew you would say yes!

- Aren't you just full of yourself? – I asked back, but he was probably right. I would never turn down a chance of seeing him.

After a few minutes of random talking, we finished the call, and I went home. After putting the groceries away, I watched my last two classes of the day and started packing.

That night, in between many, I received a very interesting text from the Canadian boy:

"Pack warm clothes. Gloves, beanies and snow boots if you have them!"

What is he up to?

16 hours later...

I organized my bags on the airport cart and made my way to the arrival area, searching for the familiar face that I was so anxious to see. After a few minutes of looking around, I found him holding a little sign with my name on it and an obvious smile hidden under his mask.

I pushed the cart in his direction and Charlie met me halfway, pulling me into his embrace. I never hugged someone so tight in my whole life.

- I missed you. – he whispered against my hair.

- I missed you too. – I said against his chest.

- C'mon. Let's get you out of here. – Charlie said, helping me with the bags.

We walked to the parking lot and Charlie led me to his car. Once he unlocked it, I didn't pay much attention to what brand it was, just that it was...

Edge of Great - Charlie Gillespie One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن