The Start Of Something New

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I moved my attention from the small monitor in front of me to the steward taking out the last trash items from the passengers. The pilot just announced that we are arriving at our destination in Ecuador. I gathered all my things, fixed my chair and my mask, and prepared for landing.

I looked through out the window, waiting for the plane to finally land – I am not afraid of flying; however, it isn't my favorite activity either.

When the plane landed and got to our gate, I had to wait for my turn to leave as people were leaving roll by roll. When it was my turn, I fixed my backpack on my shoulders and left the airplane. I walked to the baggage claim area, waiting for my bags. Thankfully, it didn't take long. After that I had to go through security before leaving the airport. When I was able to get to the waiting area of the airport, I looked for someone holding a sign with my name on it. After a few minutes I was able to find a driver wearing a t-shirt with the name of the hotel on it. I walked to him and he smiled to me.

- Ms. Freitas? – he asked, and I nodded.

- You can call me Laura. – I said, and it was his turn to nod, reaching for one of my bags.

- My name is Roberto. I am one of the drivers of the hotel and I'll be your driver for the day. – he introduced himself. He was nice. He looked a little older, maybe in his mid-50s.

- Great. Nice to meet you. – I said, smiling. We walked together to the car that was parked outside, he opened the trunk where we placed the bags. I opened one of the backdoors of the car and sat inside, while he moved to driver sit.

- Is this your first time in Ecuador? – he asked, trying to be polite.

- It is. I am really excited. – I said, looking through the window. As I was looking to the blurry view, I was able to find some similarities to where I used to live, back in Brazil. Soon the view changed from buildings, houses and cement to green, trees and nature. It didn't take long for me to be able to see the big, mostly glass made, construction that was mixed with the forest around us. It was so beautiful.

- Welcome to Mashpi Lodge. – Roberto said.

- Thank you. It is beautiful.

He stopped in front of the main door and helped me unload the bags. I walked into the lounge of the building, amazed by how they had done such a beautiful job in adapting the construction to the nature around it.

- Hello, welcome to Mashpi Lodge. My name is Samuel.

- Hello, I'm Laura Freitas. I have a reservation. – I said walking closer to the counter.

- May I have your documents, please? – He asked and I gave him my passport. Samuel typed a few things in his computer before looking at me again. – Your room is still been prepared because of the last-minute change in your reservation.

- What "last-minute change"?

- The switch on the two beds suite to the one bed suite. – He explained.

- Who requested the change? – I asked. He typed in the computer again before answering me.

- Sarah Magalh...

- Sarah Magalhães. – I completed when I saw that he was having trouble finished the name. – Has she signed in at all? Or are there any other reservations in her name? – he looked up in the computer again, before answering.

- Doesn't look like it. I'm sorry. – I can't believe she did that to me.

- It's okay. – I said, taking a deep breath. – I'll take the room.

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