🎀Chapter 23🎀

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"you really want Desiree to be your f*cking girlfriend" Veronica walks in and says "Veronica" Nick questions "what the hell are you doing here" I ask "to save you" she snaps "what are you talking about" I ask "it's a fucking trap Edwin" she says "go in the hallway" I follow her out there. "What do you want" I ask "she isn't good for you" she says and sigh "this again?" I ask "oh come on Desiree is just pulling you into a trap and you are just walking into it" she says "no she's not"

She shakes her head "do you really wanna spend the rest of you life with her and taking care of her daughter" she ask "yes , yes I do" I say "are you crazy" she ask "if me doing that makes me crazy then I guess I'm crazy" I say "it was supposed to us together" she says "that's it , you don't like her because you don't have me , you cheated and left" I say "and then you downgrade?" She questions "no I completely upgraded from you" I nod "She doesn't care about you , she just needs help taking care of her daughter" she says "quit talking about her daughter Veronica" I say "or what , is she gonna slap me again" she ask "yeah she will" I say

"You wanna ruin your career by doing this , really?" She ask "I am not ruining my career" I say "you just wanna throw your life away because she has daughter" she says "that's not what's gonna happen" I tell her "you are basically becoming a damn dad" she says "and I'm fine with it , I love them" I say "you're so dumb" she says "stop hating on others lives just because you don't have one"

She looks shocked "Edwin I do have a life , I have my own damn boyfriend" she says "does he know that you are here trying to get me back" I say "good luck dealing with your new "family" because you are gonna need it" she says and walks out. I sigh before walking back into the studio room .
"We heard everything" Zion says "Zion" Maggie say "my bad , we heard nothing" Zion lies. "I don't care" I say "oh well then yeah we heard" he adds

"I never liked her" Ansley says "she hates Desiree" I say "Desiree has what she wants ..... you" Brandon says "you guys are basically a family" He adds "Yeah I know" I smile at the thought of Desiree and Kamryn "look at him cheesing and shii" Zion says "He's inlove duh" Maggie says "yeah I am" I agree and they chuckle "Are we almost done I wanna leave" I ask "why , to see Desiree and Kamryn" Austin ask "yes this is taking pretty long" I say "almost done , couple more parts need to be finished" Brandon answers me .

(Desiree) The front door opens and Edwin walks in "oh I thought you'd never come back" I say "I'm sorry it took longer than I thought" he says and kisses my lips slowly making me smile into the kiss "where's Kammy" He ask "her room" I say making him walk up the stairs to Kamryn's bedroom

(Edwin) I walk into Kamryn's room "I'm finally back" I say and she runs to hug my legs "that was not 2 hours" she says "I know it did take longer" I say "what are doing up here" I ask "playing dollhouse" she shows me her big ass doll house "damn this like a whole house" I say "oouuuuu" she points at me "what?" I ask "you said a bad word" she says "oh I'm sorry" I chuckle and she sits on the ground as I sit next to her "wanna play"

I grab one of the dolls "I would love to play" "this is your dolls room" she points to the little room in the dollhouse "and her clothes" she points "but you can't change her clothes cause they are going to a party" she says "oh these are their party clothes" I ask "I picked them" she nods "well they are nice" I tell her "look at my doll , she has on a dress"

I look at her doll with the white dress on "it is a pretty dress" I tell her as she gets the little doll car out "now you have to drive to their party" she says as she puts all the dolls in the car and I move the car across the room before going right back to the doll house for then "party" "we are at the party"

(Desiree) I clean up the brownie dishes after giving Edwin some about 10 minutes ago as he was playing dolls with Kamryn . He's the best , I know I keep saying that but he just gets better and better with her everyday. It makes me so happy to see it.
I walk upstairs because it's time for Kamryn to sleep it's 30 minutes past her bedtime . I turn all the lights off downstairs before walking upstairs.
I walk into Kamryn's look to see the cutest thing

Edwin sleeping on the damn floor with Kamryn is his arms also asleep . I get my phone out and take a picture . "That's my new Lock Screen" I whisper to myself. I pick Kamryn up and lay her in her bed . "Mommy" she says "shh go back to sleep baby" I say and kiss her cheek as she falls right back to sleep.

I turn and shake Edwin lightly "hey you" I say and his eyes flutter open "why don't you come in my bed , it's a lot more comfy then the floor" I say and he stretches before sitting up "where's-oh" he looks at Kamryn and smiles "her bed" i whisper . He stands up and puts his arm around my shoulders before we walk out and I close her door almost fully shut. We walk into my bedroom .

He lays down "I have to change" I tell him and grab a t-shirt . I take my shirt and pants off "mmm you so fine" he says and I giggle "thanks" I put the t-shirt on "is that my shirt" he smirks and ask "maybe" I smile before laying in his arms. "I love cuddling with you" I snuggle into him more "me too" he whispers and it's silent for a couple minutes

"Edwin" I say "yes darling" he answers "I think Kamryn loves you" I tell him "really?" He ask
"When you left she heard me tell you that I loved you and she asked if I did and I said yes" I go to say "so I asked her and she got real shy and said she doesn't know" I look up at him smiling "well Desiree I-I love her" he says and I smile at him

I kiss his lips "you are amazing" I whisper in his ear "we are so lucky to have you" I say "I'm the lucky one" he says as he kisses me again "I also have to tell you something" he says "what is it" I ask
"Today at the studio Veronica came by with her bullshii again" he says and I sigh "saying how you are trapping me and you don't care about me that you just want me to take care of Kamryn , just stupid things" he says

"you know I'm not just with you so you can take care of my daughter , I really love you , I'm doing this with you because I want you to and you us happy" I tell him "oh yeah I know Des" he says "don't listen to her" I say "never" he says "goodnight" I say "goodnight , I love you" he says "I love you more"

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