🎀Chapter 18🎀

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(1 week later) "Edwin you got the alcohol" I ask and he holds two bottles up "yes ma'am" he walks into my house with them . Tonight me and Edwin are getting ..... don't wanna say drunk but drunk. Kamryn is currently upstairs playing with her barbies . She's actually going to be sleeping at the boys house tonight. As Edwin stays here .

She's super super excited. The other boys are too. I think Austin , Ansley , Theo and Maggie are gonna be there too . Not 100% sure though. "Come here" he puts his arms out and I wrap my arms around his neck as he puts his hands on my waist . "I haven't seen you like 2 days" he says "ya missed me?" I ask "obviously" he says "well I missed you" I kiss his lips for a couple seconds "EDWIN" we hear and Kamryn comes running before jumping into him

He picks her up "Hi Kam" he smiles "I think she missed you too" I say "you wasn't here for two days" she says and holds two fingers up "I know I'm sorry , I was busy with the boys" he says "it's okay" she smiles "but I missed you too" he says to her making me kiss his cheek "eww mama" she says "eww" I mock her and she giggles

"When am I gonna go to my sleepover" she ask "soon" I kiss her cheek

(Brandon) I walk in my house with Maggie as we have bags . Nick and Zion are sitting on the couch "ouu what chu get" Nick ask "snacks for Kamryn" I say "Crazy how I'm the only the cares she's coming over and sleeping here" I say "we care" Zion says "I got all the video games ready so she can play" he adds "bye Zion" Maggie says as the two of set the bags down. "What time she coming" Nick ask as him and Zion walk in the kitchen "not sure"

I start putting snacks away. "Desiree said between 6-7" I say "it's 5:30" Zion says as the door opens to have Austin and Ansley with Theo walk in "we heard Theo's Bestie is sleeping over" Austin "she's my bestie" Nick says "a 5 year old is your best friend?" Austin ask Nick "yes" Nick answers

"anyways we decided to come down too" Ansley says and hugs Maggie "we got snacks , movies , kid games" Brandon says "he's taking this very serious" Zion says "cause we can't f*ck this up and I like little Kamryn" Brandon says

"And if we do mess this up , we also mess Edwin and Desiree up" he adds "he got a point" Nick says
"But I mean I like Kamryn , she's awesome" Brandon says "aww" Maggie says "yeah I like Kamryn too , she's funny" Nick adds "she's so cute" Austin and Ansley say "she is and super sweet" Maggie say and we look at Zion

"What?" He ask "you gon say something nice or?" Nick ask "I like Kamryn" he says "you don't even do nothing wit her" Brandon says "I ask her if she ever wants to play fortnite and she says no" Zion states "she don't wanna play that shii" Nick says "sorry but kids ain't my thing" he says "we know"

(Edwin) (one hour later) "hey I'll take Kam to my house" I walk and sit next to Desiree as Kamryn is upstairs "are you sure" She ask "yeah I'm sure" I say "okay" I smiles and I kiss her lips "I love kissing you" I say" "right back at chu" she says "Kamryn" she shouts as we hear Kams little footsteps come downstairs.

(Desiree) "Honey Edwin is gonna take you to your sleepover right now" i say "yay , I hope Brandon has new music to show me" she smiles "go get your bag" She runs upstairs "she's so cute" he says "yeah" I agree before we stand up "did I tell you that you look good today" I say "well thank you darling" he kisses my cheek "I like the fit" I say

"You know I be having the best fit" he says "the best" I giggle as I kiss his lips again and again before Kamryn comes down "gimme hugs" I hug Kamryn and kiss her cheek so many time "mommy stop" she giggles "I just love you and I'm gonna miss you" I say "I love you too" she kisses my cheek "gonna miss me too?" I ask and she nods "so much" she says "how much" I ask and she raises her arms "this much" she says "wow" I smile

"Have fun bub" I hand her to Edwin as he's now holding her . "Mommy how am I gonna talk to you" she ask "ask one of the boys , they have my number" I smile and kiss her cheek again "I love you Kammy" I say "I love you too" She says as Edwin grabs her little flower bag "thank you Edwin" I kiss his lips "eww" she says "you say that every time" I laugh "of course" he smiles before he walks out the door with her and to my car.

(Edwin) I carry Kamryn to my house and walk in "hello" I say "Kamryn" Maggie says "hi Maggie" Kamryn says . I set her down then she runs to Theo "hi baby Theo" Kamryn gets super excited "wow I don't get a goodbye" I say and Kamryn giggles before running over to me and hugs my legs "sorry" she smiles . I pick her back up and hug her "aww" Austin says "what a dad" Nick smiles "Desiree says thank you to you guys" I say "tell her no problem" Brandon says "you sleeping at her house right?" Zion ask "yeah" I say "Oouu my man Edwin in love" Zion says and I chuckle as they look at me

"He loves her" Zion laughs "man shut up" I joke around "well I mean do you" Austin says and I look at each of them "man I gotta go" I say "HE DOES" Maggie yells "aww shii Edwin" Nick says "Kamryn I'll see you tomorrow" I say "bye Edwin" she hugs me and set her down "bye kam" I wave "Ight bye everyone" I say and they all say goodbye then I walk out and back into Desiree's car.

(Desiree) "shot number one" Edwin says and we take shot . Alcohol doesn't effect me never did except make me drunk "no weird face or not even a chaser" he says "I'm good wit it" I say "that's hot" he smirks "your dumb" I smile "shot number one , I'm feeling good" I say "same here darling"

Shot #2} "go" I say and we down it "Oouu that one burned" I shake my head "they all do Desiree" he says "nooooooooo" I say as we sit on the couch and kiss his lips two times "we should listen to music" he says "no Prettymuch" I say "wow" he says sarcastically and he looks through some songs.
Before putting on "No More Parties"

"I have to call my dad soon" I say "yeah you do" he says "you need to talk to him" he says "I wanna let you know whatever he says nothing is gonna change between us , I promise" I say and he smiles "I know but if it's really bothering you , your mom , your dad and Kamryn then we don't have to continue this" he says "but-" he cuts me off "I will never make you choose between me and your family" he says "that's sweet but I don't want this to end , ever" I say "he's gonna have to except it"
I tell him "Whatever you say darling"

Shot #3} We take the third shot "I think it gets nasty every time" I say "no like seriously"

Shot #4) Shot number four goes down "ugh I think it's starting to hit me" I smile at him "I say two more and we gon be there" he says "yeah we are taking these like 5 minutes apart" I say.

Shot #5} And there goes number 5 "oh wow" my eyes water "you Ight" he chuckles "yeah that one just hit and not inna good way" I say . I go and stand in front of him "you look hot" he mumbles "thank you" I giggle "anytime darling"

Shot #6} and then 6 . "Oh man" I say and lean on the kitchen counter . He grabs my hands and smiles "it's hitting me" I wrap my arms around his neck and say "me too" he whines "I'm not ready for the hangover tomorrow"

Shot #7} yup I'm feeling it . Room is slowly spinning "Oouu Edwin" I kinda fall into his arms "don't lean on me , my drunk ass my fall too" he says and I giggle before sitting on the kitchen floor almost falling . He sits down across from my "mhm I forgot what I was gonna saaaaaaayy" I state

He comes over to me and lays on my shoulder "I got no strength to hold you up" I smile as he laughs "no mooorrrrre shots" I drag the or "agreed" he grabs my hands "why don't we go to my room , my bed is more comfy then the floor" I say and he stands up before helping me up Almost making him fall "Edwin" I laugh . He holds my waist as we walk upstairs. Both almost fell like 3 times.

He falls on top of me on the bed ."Get off" I push him off as he lays next to me. "Let's make out" I giggle before grabbing the sides of his face and smashing my lips into his . We have a make out session for about 2 minutes "you tryin do something darling" he whispers "nope" I say

"I don't have the energy" I smile "another night" I say "another night" he says and kisses my neck "no no Kamryn will see it tomorrow" I say "cover it with makeup" he says and a soft moan slips from my lips "that was the sexiest shii I ever heard" he whispers before sitting up "lay down with me" I lay down as he puts his face in my neck "goodnight Edwin" I run my fingers through my hair "goodnight Desiree" he can barely say cause he's drunk "I love you" he says and my jaw drops.

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