🎀Chapter 8🎀

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2 hours later) "it was nice spending time with you" he says as I'm about to walk out his door "same here" I say "I'll see you later" I say and nods before I walk out to downstairs. "Bye guys I'll be back tomorrow but I'm bringing Kamryn this time" I say to everyone in the living room "Oouu yay" Ansley says "drive home safe Desiree" Maggie says "I will bye now" they wave before I walk out to my car

I'm getting used to all them. I really like going over there and I love spending time with Edwin too .
Now I have to pick Kammy up and tomorrow after her last day of school , I'll take her to their house

"Hi cutie" Kam runs to me and pick her up "I made another picture for you" she said "you told me you would" I say "what did you draw" I ask "it's a surprise" she smiles "oh well I'm excited" I say and put her in her seat "what did you do today" she ask "I umm took a nap and watched tv at home" I say "what did you do" I ask before getting in the drivers seat "we watched a movie and played games in class" she says "then we more movies" she tells me

"Sounds like fun" I say "yes and tomorrow she's taking us to the computer lab to play games" Kamryn says "it's your last day" I start to drive "I'm so so excited" she says "I can tell" I say "your on summer vacation" I add "for how long" she ask 3 months , you go back September 2nd" I say "I'm staying up late every night" she smiles real big
"FwflMhm well we'll see about that" I chuckle "but also tomorrow after school we are going somewhere" I state "where?" She ask "it's a surprise"

I know she wants me to tell her "mommmmyy" she whines "tell me" she says "nope" I say "whyyyy" she ask "it's a surprise" I say "I don't wanna go" she pouts "oh trust me you do" I say "your gonna love it" I say and she sighs "no I won't" she says "oh yes you will" I say "are you sure" she ask "I'm super super sure" I say "tomorrow is gonna take forever" she says "not it won't , it will go fast"

I walk through the big doors of the building where my company works . I have so things to do here before I get Kamryn from school later on. "Hello Ms.Cannon" the lady at the front desk says "hi Sarah" I smile before walking into one the conference rooms with about 8 of the workers sitting around "good morning boss" I hear "good morning Ryan" I set my folders down on the table before sitting down at the big table. I love being the boss and having my own company . I like running shii around here. Feels good to be the boss of something besides being the boss of Kam obviously

(Hours later) I get to my car and get in after walking out the building. I finally time to go get Kamryn and take her over to the Prettymuch house .

"SUMMER VACATION" I say as I pick Kamryn up "mommy what's the surprise" she says "girl that's probably all you been thinking about that whole time" I say and she nods "I wanna go the surprise place" she says "well now that school is over we can now go to that surprise place" she smiles at me "I wonder what it is" she thinks "gonna have to wait and see till we get there"

(In the car) my phone rings as Kamryn sits on the back while looking out the window . I look down as I'm at a red light. "Edwin😚" Yeah I changed his name after yesterday. That kiss we shared and the talk we had definitely maybe made me like him a little more than I might already have. "Mommy someone is calling" Kamryn says "I'll answer"

I answer but I turn the volume down so she doesn't hear "hi" I say "hey you on the way with her" he ask "yes I am , there's a bit of traffic but not to bad" I say "I'm excited to see you" he says and I can't help but blush "maybe I'm excited to see you too"
"Mhm" he says "mommy" Kamryn says "yes" I ask "what kind of place is this surprise at" she ask and Edwin chuckles "I can hear her talking" he says "umm it's a place" I say "like a restaurant or a park or a store" she ask "can I at least know that"

I look back at her "it's a house" I say "who's house" she ask "I'm not telling" I say with the phone still to my ear "sneaky" she says making Edwin and I both laugh "I bet your excited to meet her huh" I ask "most definitely" he says "even know we did , but for real this time" he says "yeah well We will be there soon so I'll see you when We get there" I say
"Well I'll see you soon" he says before I hang up

I park my car and see her looking out the window "mhm" she says as I get out the car . I go to her side and get her out the seat . "Mommy who lives here" she ask "gonna have to wait and see when we go in" I set her on the ground as we walk down their path and she looking around with a confused look on her face "what the" she says and I turn to her "what" I ask "these plants ....... they look familiar"
I giggle at her what she said "really?" I ask

She nods "yeah they do" she looks around "this whole house just looks like I seen it before" she nods as we reach the door . I pick her up "who's here" she whispers and I knock on the door "come in" I hear Brandon and her eyes widened "that voice" she says and I walk in with her in my arms

We see everyone sitting in the living room and her jaw drops "PRETTYMUCH"

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