🎀Chapter 4🎀

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"Hey Desiree" he says "hi Edwin" I say and smile before sitting across from him "how are you doing" he ask as I put my purse down next to me "I'm doing good and a little tired, My daughter didn't sleep well last night" I chuckle "you?" I ask

"I'm also doing pretty good , it's nothing but music music all day long " he says . Then a waitress comes over to ask for we would like anything and all I get it a small coffee with a blueberry muffin

"So how long you been in LA" he ask "since I was born" I say "oh wow" he says "yeah , my family is from here and I was born and raised" I say to him "I was born B-" I cut him off "Bronx" I say and he smiles "sorry" I say "no it's okay , but you knew that?" He ask "my daughter loves you guys" I say "so her being obsessed causes me to know you guys"

He laughs "how long she been a fan" he ask "I think about 2 years now" I say "she found you guys off a YouTube video and yeah" i say "it was nice meeting her at the meet and greet" he says "super cute" he adds "thank you" I say "how old is she" he ask "5 years old" I say and he tilts his head "how old are you" he ask "21" I say and he looks a little shocked before nodding "yeah I know crazy" I say

"I had her at 16" I say "woah" he says and I chuckle "obviously wasn't meant to happen but I'm happy that it did" I add "of course" he says "is-nevermind" he says "what?" I ask "no it's to personally at least for now" he says "is it about her dad" I ask and he smiles "I'm sorry" he says "no it's okay , umm he left us when I told him I was pregnant" I say "sorry about that" he says "it's fine , he was always in and out of jail , our relationship wasn't that good behind closed doors" I say

"Well as long as everything worked out" he says and I nod "so you know I do music , what do you do?" He ask "I have a real estate company" I say "impressive" he says "I want to college here and soon as I got out , I did my company" I say "how did you do college with your daughter" he ask "my parents were mostly with her and I did my first year in school and my second year online" I state
"Double impressive" he smiles "gotta do what ya gotta do" I say "exactly" he says

The waitress brings our things over then leaves . "I'm not so sure what to tell you since you know everything" he says "i probably don't know everything..... or I might" I giggle "Just tell me things if I already know , refresher for me"

(2 hours later) "see I didn't know everything" I say "there was some things you didn't know" he says and I pull my phone out because it's ringing
The school , "hello" I say "Hello Ms.Cannon umm the kids were dismissed about 15 minutes ago and Kamryn is waiting for you" she says "oh my I'm so sorry , I'm on my way now" i say "okay that's fine" she says and I hang up "shii shii shii" I stand up "everything okay?" Edwin ask "yes I'm late to pick up my daughter from school" I say "time goes fast when your having fun" he says and I smile

"Thank you for today and I'll talk to you soon" I say "of course , and I'll call you later" he smiles before I damn near bust out that cafe and to my car.

I pull up and walk to the school. "Kam , mommy is so sorry for being late" I crouch to her level "it's okay" she says and I stand up towards the teacher "I'm sorry about that , I totally lost track of time" I say "no worries , have a good rest of your day" she says and I pick Kamryn up "what were you doing" she ask "umm I was just working on work stuff and I didn't even look at the time" I say to her

I strap her into her booster seat . "Why don't I take you to get a new toy , I fell bad Kammy" I say "it's okay mommy" she says "are you sure" I ask and she nods "im sure" she smiles "your so cute" I pinch her cheeks before getting in the drivers seat

(Nighttime) "okay baby Time to get out the bath" I say "mommy pleaseeeee" she begs "it's bedtime" I say "if I must mom if I must" she says and I giggle "now let's dry you off and put on some pjs for bed"

I cover her with her blanket before kissing her cheek "I love you and ill see you in the morning" I say and she nods "love you too mom" she closes her eyes I slowly walk out after turning her nightlight on. I walk back into my room and sit on my bed. My phone begins to ring and it's a FaceTime call from of course Edwin.

I watch it ring before I eventually hit answer . I sit it where he somewhat sees me. It's still so weird to me omg . Like eh , "Hi Desiree" he says "hey" I say
"Was everything okay after you leftt" he ask "yes I picked her up and we went home" I say "I'm glad everything was good" he says "what you up to now" he ask "I just put my daughter to sleep"

He smiles "you?" I ask "currently looking through beats for new songs in my room" he says "what's your favorite thing about being an music artist" I ask and I can tell he begins to think "I think having that fan base, we love our fans and we love being able to meet them" he says "and just the fact that singing is something I love and it's my job" he says

"Can you sing" he ask "no no no , don't ever ask me to sing" I say and he chuckles "I'll keep it in mind" he says . It's silent for about 10 seconds
"Since you asked me that , what's your favorite thing about being a mom" he ask and I smile "everything, especially the small stuff" I say "I love seeing her learn new things" I say "seeing her grow up has been the best thing to watch" I add

"Ya know just seeing her happy , I can honestly go on and on about her for hours and hours" I say
"Your a good mom" he says and I giggle "you don't even know everything" I ask "I know enough, the way you talk about her , hell you brought her to our meet and greet" he says "I'd do anything for her"

He nods "as you should" he says and I laugh "when can we hang out again" he ask "I'm not sure , I have to take Kam to school at 8am , I have meetings tomorrow until 5 In the evening" I say "so my moms going to pick her up from school" I add
"I can pick you up from your meetings" he says "but I have a car" I say "why don't I meet you at that cafe after my meetings" I say "sounds good"

"Well I'll see you tomorrow evening" I say and he nods "goodnight Desiree" he says "goodnight" I hang up and smile. I shake my head before crawling into bed . I turn my light off before falling asleep.

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