"Vera." Edward said gently, touching her shoulder, having read Carlisle's thoughts, he knew that Julius Prince had been killed.

"Carlisle where is he?" She asked again, this time her voice cracked

"I'm so sorry little one, we were outnumbered, by a lot and he was ganged up on by three newborns. He's dead." Carlisle said, sympathy and pain leaking into his every word, just as he found his friend again he had lost him.

"I don't understand." Tears had started streaming down her face, he couldn't just be dead. No, half a millennium alive to be killed by a newborn? No. Impossible.

"I'm sorry." Carlisle said again as he gathered his friend's daughter in his arms

"I fought with him. I didn't want to stay out of the fight, I fought with him, and now he's dead." She sobbed into Carlisle's shoulder

"I know, I'm so sorry." Carlisle said for the third time while rubbing her back.

"Leah don't!" She heard Edward yell, snapping out of her hysteria she looked up to see a russet colored wolf fighting with with a newborn, and the newborn had his arms around the wolf with a squeeze the wolf let out a whimpered howl, dropping to the floor. Jacob.

"I'm sorry." Carlisle said once again, running a hand over the back of the girl that he held's head he sped off to attend to the injured werewolf.

"Jacob." She heard Bella scream as she ran towards him

"Edward." She heard Alice call to him, he looked at her and his face scrunched up, he too ran towards Jacob.

"Bones on the right side of his body are shattered." She heard Carlisle diagnose

"The Volturi are coming, we need to get him out of here, we're not going to want to fight with them." Edward said, looking up at his "father"

"We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam said, and the wolves carried Jacob away

With all the commotion Vera had managed to calm herself down and stop the tears from flowing. Esme had started rubbing comforting circles on her back, which she greatly appreciated.

"They're coming." Alice called out, and sure enough a minute later four cloaked vampires showed up. The two in the middle wore pitch black cloaks while the two on the side wore charcoal grey cloaks.

"Impressive, I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." The small blonde vampire said. If Vera had heard the words the blonde said she would have screamed "Not entirely." However, her focus was elsewhere.

Her eyes had met the guy in the middle wearing the black cloak. His crimson orbs burned holes in her umber ones. Suddenly the rest of the world melted away, her father's death seemed like a million years ago, and all she could focus on was him. "And suddenly gravity has no effect over you, and it's them binding you to the earth."  Seth's words played in her mind. He, like Vera couldn't look away from the girl that stood with the coven of vegetarian vampires. He was utterly enthralled, not only by how beautiful he perceived her to be but by the sound of her beating heart, it was like a lullaby, the sweetest melody the universe has ever known. "Mate" He thought.

Edwards head snapped to face her's, he stared at the girl that was staring at the Volturi guard. "That is not good" he thought, his previous fears of the Volturi being interested in her were now increased tenfold as he watched her stare at the witch twin as if she were a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.

"We were lucky." Carlisle said, not wanting to correct her

"I doubt that." The girl sneered "Who's this?" She asked, referring to Vera. Obviously she had wanted Vera to respond to her, but Vera hadn't even heard her; still staring at the vampire beside her.

"Her name is Vera Prince." Carlisle said

"Is she human?" She asked curiously, she could hear the heartbeat, as well as the rushing blood, but it had absolutely zero appeal to her.

"No." Carlisle said honestly, seeing no point in lying

"What are you?" She asked directly to Vera. Obviously she had wanted Vera to respond to her, but Vera hadn't even heard her; still staring at the vampire beside her.

Suddenly she was on the floor, writhing in pain. She screamed as her body lit itself on fire. It was the most harrowing thing she had ever experience. She begged for it to stop, for mercy.

"Jane." the vampire growled, demanding his twin to release his mate.

"Alec." the girl snapped, releasing Vera from her firey hold

Gasping for air, Vera stood up, gathering herself "What is it that you wish to know?" She said, no longer looking at Alec, but the small girl who had just caused her so much anguish

"What are you?" Jane asked again

"Half vampire, half werewolf." Vera said callously, not seeing the need to dance around that fact.

There was a collective hiss from all four of the Volturi guard "You are in league with werewolves?" The blonde male on the left of Alec snarled

"Did you miss the part where she said she was half vampire too?" Edward asked rolling his eyes at their dramatic reaction

"How is that even possible?" Jane asked, deciding to ignore Edward's sarcastic comment

"We don't know." Carlisle answered truthfully

"Hmph." Jane huffed "Aro will be interested to hear about this." While Edward didn't like the amount of attention Vera was being shown he was sardonically grateful for it as the attention was being kept off Bella.

"Yes... I think it best if the girl came with us." Alec said keeping his voice steady, but his underlying intention did not go unnoticed by Edward.

"You mean you think it best if your mate came with you back to your dungeon?" Edward sneered, his distaste for Alec was not in the least bit subtle.

"Mate?" Jane shrieked as she looked at her twin

"You dare-" Alec started, about to verbally attack Edward for speaking bad about his home

"Hey!" Vera thundered, she hated nothing more than people fighting over her

"I'll go with you." She said

"Vera." Edward and Carlisle said simultaneously surprised with what she just said

"I have nothing here for me anymore." She said softly, looking back at the family who had shown her unequivocal kindness in the short time she had known them

Irrevocably Yours [Alec Volturi]Where stories live. Discover now