Chapter 3 - Dinner

Start from the beginning

"Of course."

"Great, now that this is settled, shall we order lunch," Antonio said, clasping his hands.


She finished applying the eye liner as she looked in the mirror. She was struggling, she could admit that, she wasn't sure she could handle this dinner and had come up with every play in her mind to get out of it. But she knew her mom, who would be very vocal about her not being there. Okay, sure, it was her deal, but she hadn't expected to like Damian. And here she was, acting like some child virgin. Granted, she maybe the next Don of the family, but her dad would kill her if he knew she wasn't.

She sighed, fixed her hair and then left the guest bedroom and walked down the stairs, stopping as Damian stood at the bottom. He turned to her and eyed her from the top of her high ponytail, over her black tank top, past her blue jean shorts, down her legs and finally resting on her sneakers. She knew her mother wouldn't approve but she had to opt for comfortable rather than nice. Although, Damian looked just as comfortable in his tight shirt and black jeans, just slightly dresser.

"Hello Damian."

"Hello Angel, is that okay?"

"I have no title. And around family, Angel is fine. Unless you ask my mother, who hates that we have nicknames; it's actually Angelina."

"No one but her calls you that?"

"Right, just her."


"Growing up, it was just easier got us to say nick names rather than the full name; damn Italians and their long names." He laughed at that.

"I have five names and when I was in trouble, I would hear them all. Then I'd get into even more trouble 'cause my mom would be mad for having to say the whole thing." She laughed as she started walking and he had to stop his groan. God above, even her laugh was amazing. And what was scary for him, she didn't know it; she had no clue how sexy she was.

"Mama," she said as she walked into the dining room and kissed the woman's cheek, "meet Damian. Damian, my mother, Carolina."

"I see where your daughters get their beauty from." She smiled at him, her cheeks turning a slight pink

"Thank you. Come, sit. I believe you are forced to sit next to Rosalina and Angelina."

"Such a tough lot to be between two gorgeous females." He smiled at Rosa before sitting down.

"Across from Rosa is Junior, well Antonio Jr, to his left is Gio, and finally Ricardo, but Ric," Angel said, eyeing her brothers to behave.

"Honestly, we gave you wonderful names and yet everyone but Gio shortened them," their mom huffed, causing the group to chuckle, easting the tension that was there.


Two hours later, they sat in the living room talking, going over little things about their families, sharing stories while sipping their whiskey.

"Angel?" She turned to Damian with a lifted brow. "How is that you became the one to control this?"

"I'm the oldest."

"But a female." Antonio clapped a hand on Damian's shoulder and looked at Angel with pride.

"Female she might be, but trust me, no one here matches her strength in wits or with a gun. Angel is either the best friend you could have, or the worst enemy." Everyone laughed at that but Damian just kept watching her, who watched him.

"Well, this has been fun, family, but I must go," Rosa said as she stood up. Damian glanced at her, seeing the small frame and quiet voice that both women got from their mother.

"I'll walk out with you," he said, thanking the family before following Rosa out. Angel peeked out the curtain, watching the couple. She took a deep breath, wanting to scream. She had liked him, liked his manner throughout diner and for once, she yelled mentally at how the fates had failed her.

"I don't know why you are sulking, cara sorella (dear sister), you could as easily put your name in that contract." With that, Angel spun around and decked Ric, who was her second in command.

"You know I can't! We need this and Rosa has the beauty he needs. Stop saying foolish things!" Ric rubbed his arm, watching his sister huff away. She couldn't afford to be foolish, but she was a fool indeed, he thought if she ignored her gut on this.

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