Funny How Love Is

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Hello everyone! How're you all doing? I hope you're all doing alright! Anyways enjoy the story!

I was on a walk with my boyfriend Freddie. Today was Valentines Day, so we decided to have a little walk in the park and have a picnic under a tree from where we first met. As I was laying the blanket on the ground, I heard soft music behind me. I recognized the tune playing, which was Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis. I quickly placed the basket of food on the blanket to look for Freddie and what he was already standing up. "How about a dance, my love?," he asked me while offering his hand in my direction. I nodded at him and took a hold of his hand. "You know, it's Funny How Love Is," he said to me as he twirled me around to go with the tune of the Elvis song.

"How is it funny Freddie?," I asked him as I put my hand back on his shoulder.

"Well my love, it's funny how love can break your heart so easily you know? And it's also funny how love came tumbling down from Adam and Eve. It's really funny how every music artist has at least written 1 song about love and how it's every song in every key," he said as he twirled me around again. Now that you thought about it, you saw how love truly was funny.

"Wow Freddie I never thought of love to be funny. Now that you mention it and gave me some reasons as to why it is funny, I now see what you mean." You said as the Elvis song finished and played a different song. He then chucked at what I said.

"Hey you know Funny How Love Is sounds like it would be a good song to write, what do you think darling? Should I write a song about that?," he asked me as he took a bite of his ham sandwich. (Did you guys notice the reference?)

"Yeah it seems like a good song that is very true about love, you should go for it," I said as I bit into a strawberry.

"I think I will, anyways are you enjoying yourself?," he asked me as he took another bite.

"With you, of course I am. Valentine's Day will always be one of my favorite holidays because I get to spend it with you," I said. I couldn't await for any more of our future love scenarios that will happen soon.

Author's note: Ok guys I know I lied, the next part didn't come out on Sunday like I said it would. And I am very sorry for that. And I am very sorry for posting a short one-shot for shut a long wait. Please forgive me.

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