Love Of My Life pt 2

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Hello everyone! How are you all? I hope you're doing amazing, and if not then please tell me how you're feeling on a scale of Freddie, but yeah enjoy!
Btw f/f means favorite fruit in this part
Also f/s means favorite snack

Life was going pretty well, at least for me. I haven't had any problems since a few years ago. I will never forget that day.

~A few years ago~
I kept getting non stop calls from someone since 1988, but I didn't know who it was because I never answered it. I did answer it the first 10 times but then I stopped because it was Freddie speaking. I didn't hear what he was going to tell me because I immediately hung up. I didn't know why he kept calling me, but it was bothering me so I changed my number which was good because I wouldn't hear the ringing 24/7. It was currently November 23 1991, and I avoided anything and everything that included Queen, but most importantly Freddie. If I was watching the news, and a mention of Queen popped up, I would immediately switch the channel. Don't get me wrong, I missed Freddie very much, but I could never forgive after the night I found him with his hands all over another man. He had done that before, along with flirting with them and I had finally had enough after all the chances I gave him, so I ended it with him. I got a little hungry and went to go look in the fridge. I had a lot of things inside there, but they weren't really good. I wanted something good, like a snack. It could even be a candy or fruit like f/f, I didn't care. I decided to go to the grocery store, cause I needed what I was craving ASAP. I drove over to Northgate (Authors note: I didn't know what store to put so I just put Northgate) and got a shopping cart. I was grabbing f/s when I heard someone call my name.

"Y/N!," I heard a feminine and familiar voice say.

I looked over and saw none other than Mary Austin with her son Richard on the child seat of the shopping cart.

"Uh Mary, what a pleasant surprise seeing you here," I said obviously uncomfortable about the fact that the girl who always gave me glares, rolled her eyes at me, and talked to me with an attitude was right here.

"Listen Y/N, I know you don't like me, and I could say the same about you but Freddie really needs you. I know you don't want to see him, because of how selfish you are," she muttered the last part, "but he's in a state were he wants to say goodbye," she said. I was obviously confused by what she meant when she said, goodbye, so I then asked her a question about what she meant by that. "See for yourself Y/N, I won't tell you," she said as she left me all by myself. But who cares that she left me, it's not like I actually enjoyed her company. Her son Richard waved at me bye and I waved at him back. I then got some of the snacks I wanted l, paid, and went back to my house. I decided to call Freddie, and I was expecting it to be him answering, but it was Peter.

"Hello, who is this?," I heard him ask. His voice sounded like he had just finished crying, but oh well.

"Hello Peter it's me Y/N, sorry I didn't answer any of Freddie's phone calls. It's just I couldn't forgive him, not after that night. But anyways, I'm calling because well I went grocery shopping today and Mary saw me and we had a sort of conversation I would say. She told me that Freddie was wanted to say goodbye? I asked her what she meant by that and she said she wouldn't tell me, but that I would have to figure it out for myself. So, what's going on? Is Freddie moving somewhere else?"

"Well, the thing is Freddie told us, meaning Mary, Jim, Joe, some of the band mates, and even us to tell you to come here. But if you asked why you had to come there, he said to not tell you and see for yourself," Peter said.

"Ohhhh, alright. Well then-," before I could finish my sentence, I heard someone ring my door bell. "Hold up Peter, I'll be back," I told him. When I peeked through the hole of the door, I expected someone to be there, but no one was there. I then opened the door and saw a package on the floor. I picked it up and saw a note on the side. It said

𝐻𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜 my dear Y/N
I saw this on the store the other day and immediately thought of you because I know you like flowers, I hope you enjoy it and come visit me here. I also wanted to let you know that I'm very sorry, you don't have to forgive me but I wanted to let you know that. I love you!
~Freddie Mercury

I looked at the package in shock after what I just read. I then realized Peter was waiting for me on the phone. I got inside my house and with one hand held the package while the other held the telephone. "Sorry for the wait Peter, it's just I had a package delivered to me by Freddie. But anyways I'll visit Freddie tomorrow, goodbye Peter."

"I hope to see you there, especially Freddie. But goodbye," he then clicked and I opened the package. Inside was a beautiful jewelry necklace, along with a pair of earrings.

Author's note: feel free to change it if you don't like any of these

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Author's note: feel free to change it if you don't like any of these. These are just some photos I found on Google

"Wow, they're beautiful," I said to no one in particular. I tried it on and it looked beautiful on me. I then took it off and put it back in its case because now I was going to shower and fall asleep waiting for the next day.

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