I Was Born To Love You

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Hey guys! I hope you're all doing all right! Anyways let's get on with this crappy story. Also guys I'm very sorry for updating VERY LATE. It's just I didn't have the chance to update this since school started. Plus if I had the time to update, I wouldn't update this story because if Y'know me, you would know I'm lazy but enjoy!
F/F: Favorite food

Freddie's POV
I was planning on writing a song for my dear Y/N because she was very special to me, and especially knowing that our 4 year anniversary was soon. I left our house early to tell the lads about my new song I wrote for Y/N. "Hello darlings! So I'm planning on writing a song for my lovely Y/N and I need your help to make it," I told them. Roger, Brian, and John agreed to help me make it. When we were making the song, we surprisingly didn't fight about how each instrument should sound like. I decided I wanted this song to have a music video. I hired some recorders, directors, (btw guys I have no idea what you need to make a music video so I'm just guessing) and producers. Since I wanted to make a music video, I needed someone to act as the second main character in it. Obviously it needed to be a girl well because it's a song about love and I needed someone to act as my partner. I immediately knew who to cast as the second main character.

Once Roger, Brian, John and I finished making the song, I immediately went home despite their bickering about how I had to sing their songs. "Y/N, my love! I'm home!," I sang as I went inside out home.

I then heard an angelic voice from the kitchen say, "I'm in the kitchen!"

"Ok! I'll be in our bedroom," I said. The reason why I didn't greet her or anything was because I was planning on sneaking up on her and so she wouldn't suspect I was headed to the kitchen and instead our bedroom. I went inside the kitchen careful not to make any noise. When I entered the kitchen, I saw she was washing the dishes. I snuck up behind her and hugged her then gave her a kiss on the cheek. She let out a small yelp completely startled. "Hello my love," I greeted her.

"Freddie don't you ever do that again!" She said while turning around and hugging me back before giving me a quick kiss on my lips and turning around to continue washing the dishes. I just let out a small chuckle before telling her what has been on my mind since I was at the studio.

"Uh Y/N, how would you like to be in a music video?," I asked. She then faced me for a moment before turning off the faucet and turning to look at me.

"A music video you say? I've never been in one before, is it fun?," she asked clearly interested in my question.

"Of course it is my love, you get to dress up and have fun!," I said.

"And what exactly is this music video about?," she asked with a small smirk. I then grinned before telling her that it was a surprise and that she'd have to find out once we film it.

"So, is this a yes or no?," I asked.

"Hmmmm," she said contemplating whether or not to participate in it. "Uh, sure. It better be worth it though," she said smiling.

"Pshhh everything that involves me is worth it," I said laughing a bit. She just pushed me lightly as in a joking manner. "Just so you know, we will start filming tomorrow," I said while leaving to our bedroom for real this time and leaving her in our kitchen.

~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~
I got up this morning only to find my boyfriend hovering over me and watching me. "Good morning darling, it's time to to film this music video," he said as he got up from our bed. I just followed him because he signaled me to follow him. I quickly changed and followed him only to smell something very delicious coming from the kitchen. "Did I mention I made breakfast for you? It's your favorite!," he said as he guided me to the kitchen. On the table I saw F/F waiting for me to devour it. I ate it slowly to enjoy the delicious flavor in my mouth. Once I was done, I put my plates in the sink and went to follow Freddie outside. He opened the car door for me and and I thanked him before entering the car. "Alright darling, our next stop is the studio!," he said slightly yelling while turning up the volume for the radio. I just giggled and put on my seatbelt awaiting for our destination at the studio.

~~~At The Studio~~~

Freddie Mercury one-shots (READ DESCRIPTION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz